In a month of snow days, we stayed busy with US History, HELA 9, ELA 11, AP Lit, and Sociology. We saw 97 classes with over 2,400 students! Read on to learn more.
We expanded our digital citizenship research activities to include ELA 10. Students used articles about online tracking and cell phones to practice note-taking in a group, individual note-taking, direct quoting, incorporating notes, and citing sources.
Students in Mrs. Weir's and Mrs. Worthington's AP Lit classes created annotated bibliographies in MLA format and worked on note-taking as they move towards completion of a formal 5-7 page, 5-7 source research paper.
Students in Mrs. Dalton's HELA 9 classes played BreakoutEDU with a Romeo & Juliet themed Breakout game. Then students created their own digital breakout games based on To Kill a Mockingbird. Students researched the time period and events of the era and incorporated them in their games. This was an awesome activity as students played the games of others on the digital platform. While some of the games had unsolvable clues, everyone had a great time playing the games (including us)!
Students in Ms. Salimbene's Sociology classes researched topics relating to their 20% projects and created 7 source annotated bibliographies in APA format. Students used this research to create surveys and solve a problem in our community based on their understanding of sociological theories and research.
Students in Mrs. Moran's HELA 10 classes used library databases to research and write papers after reading 1984. Students found and saved articles, documented their work in MLA format, and evaluated the effectiveness of their sources.
Students in US History classes used library databases to research the 1950s. They created museum exhibits using American Decades from the Gale Virtual Reference Library. Students put exhibits on display.
We had a million more snow days...
Created with images by Luc van Loon - "untitled image" • - "untitled image" • Annie Spratt - "untitled image" • Annie Spratt - "untitled image" • J. Kelly Brito - "untitled image" • Jakob Owens - "untitled image" • kristamonique - "snowfall winter snow"