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Sending sweet greetings TFS students send Valentine's cards to alumnus serving overseas

Shown, from left, are Tallulah Falls School seventh grade students, Anna Reese Akers of Demorest, Claire Kelly of Demorest, Addy McCoy of Cornelia, Joseph McGahee of Clarkesville and Ethan Simmons of Demorest.
He might be 7,500 miles from home but on Valentine’s Day, Tallulah Falls School alumnus Connor Brown is going to know he is loved. Brown, a member of the TFS Class of 2015, is serving his country in Afghanistan with the U.S. Army National Guard. This year’s class of seventh-grade students didn’t attend school with Brown but share a TFS bond with the soldier stationed far from home. The students each made a card or wrote a note thanking Brown for his service. According to seventh-grade world history teacher Nancy Almoyan, Brown graduated with her daughter Isabelle Almoyan. “Over the holidays I had the opportunity to talk with Joey and Tammy Brown about their son. They gave me Connor's address so I could send him a card from home. I immediately thought of my seventh graders. They love making cards!” Almoyan said. “I shared about Connor with my classes and pulled up some pictures of him on the classroom Smartboard. The minute the students saw him in his TFS uniform the connection was made; he was one of them.” Brown is deployed with the 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division. “I was so proud of the care and consideration that they took in order to send Connor their very best work,” Almoyan said. “They weren't perfect, but they were very special.” The students enjoyed the creative process, she said, with two students adding their thoughts about the project.
Joseph McGahee of Clarkesville: “I think making the cards was a great way to thank Connor for his service."
Anna Reese Akers of Demorest: “With Connor being a former TFS student it made it more special to do something kind for someone serving his country."
Connor Brown's platoon.
A care package is on its way to Connor Brown, serving with the U.S. Army in Afghanistan.
Connor Brown – Tallulah Falls School Class of 2015
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Tallulah Falls School


We invite you to take a look at a Valentine's Day project from Mrs. Nancy Almoyan's seventh-grade students. On this day of expressing love and appreciation for those we hold most dear, we thought it appropriate to express our gratitude to those men and women serving in the military. We especially want to say thank you to TFS alumnus Connor Brown, serving in Afghanistan with the U.S. Army National Guard.

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