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What it means to be an Artist Sharing your personal view of the world

Photographer, graphic artist, writer - I am an artist. What does that mean?

For me becoming an artist is a step beyond craftsmanship. A higher level of new level of consciousness. The point at which one has mastered their medium and can now use it to express their personal view of the world.

An artist takes all of their life experiences, individual perspective and personality and expresses it through their art.

An artist is not someone copying a photograph in acrylic, doing a jigsaw puzzle or paint by number. That is an activity, a craft, it is not artist. Artists are those who create art.

Owning a camera or going to at Wine and Paint night with the girls is not creating art. That's purchasing an object or experience.

Art is created when the final work is previsualize. When the artists has a full concept in their head before using the tools at their disposal to create the work.

Taking a snap shot of your dog - not art.

Conceiving an idea, gathering the props, designing the lighting, choosing the lens, posing the subject - art.

ART in all caps requires thinking. Thoughts and ideas the mull around in the head for years before they are executed.

The subject, composition, capture and post-processing are all the result of year of trial and error and thinking about what you want the world to see.

In commercial work the subject, style and direction are all dictated by the client.

Fine art is all about personal vision. The client is the artist. The choice of subject, concept and execution are all determined by the artist.

What subjects attract the attention of the artist? How do they compose and capture essence of the subject? What do they include or exclude within the frame?

These are all decisions made by the artist after a lifetime of observations, experimentation and exploration.

“To create one’s world in any of the arts takes courage.” - Georgia O’Keeffe

Creating good art required bravery and vulnerability. Great art exposes one's inner soul. Great art expresses emotion and feelings.

“Every artist writes his own autobiography.” - Havelock Ellis

Artists write about themselves with each piece. Every new work is another step in their life journey.

How does one take their photography or painting to the level of art? When they step away from the well-trodden paths and set their own course. When they show the world what really matters them

Show the world, your vision, not just what you think the world expects you to shoot or paint.

Be brave, chart your own course. Step away from the Kodak Photo Spots. No need to fly around the world, find your own world where you live.

"The chief enemy of creativity is ‘good’ sense." - Pablo Picasso

I created the video series "The Way I See It" to show how I personally see various subjects and regions around the world. As an artist, I don't expect others to see these subjects in the same way.

Edward Fielding's work has been seen in magazines, book covers and galleries around the world.

Fielding muses about art, photography and pinball on his blog - Dogford Studios

Fielding's art and fine art photography can be viewed and purchase via his online portfolio at:

Created By
Edward Fielding


Words and photos by Edward Fielding


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