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Welcome Back parkland primary arrangements

It's been a while since we saw you last and look forward to seeing some of the children return to school on the June 29th.
Whilst we understand and appreciate the mixed feelings around our return to school, please be assured that every precaution we can take has been thought about and implemented where possible.
Every effort has been made to mitigate the risk to pupils, staff and the public, however, it is important to note that total mitigation of the risk of contamination with COVID-19 is not possible.


Every child from reception to Year 6 will be offered 4 full days of schooling in small groups (maximum of 8 pupils) with a year group teacher over the course of the four week period.
Each class will be organised into groups of no more than 8 pupils and these groups will be kept independent from one another throughout the day.
Each child will be in school once a week, either on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday.
You will not be able to choose which day your child attends as a number of factors had to be considered: availability of staff, emergency childcare, family groups and friendships (if possible).

Drop off and pick up

Each group will be given a drop off and pick up time as well as the entrance gate which is to be used. The times MUST be adhered to so social distancing can be observed by staff, pupils and parents/guardians and to avoid congestion.
The three gates that will be used are Key Stage 2 gate, Foundation Phase gate and the Carpark gate (at the top of the public car park). Please refer to the map if you are unsure.
Markings will be placed outside the gates to help remember the 2 metre rule.
We kindly ask that ONLY ONE parent/guardian drops off and picks up their child/children.
Pupils must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when coming to school and older children will NOT be allowed to walk to and from school alone.
Teachers and teaching assistants will be at the gate to welcome your child back. We kindly ask that parents/guardians do not enter the school grounds and to leave their child with their teacher at the gate. If you would like to speak to your child's teacher then please use Dojo or request a telephone call.
At the gate parents/guardians will be asked whether their child has been displaying any symptoms. The children's temperature will also be taken. If they are displaying a high temperature their temperature will be taken 3 times and an average calculated. If your child has an average temperature above 37.8 or if they have been displaying symptoms you will be asked to take them home and not to return for 7 days.
Once through the gate the children will be asked to stand on a spot before they go to their classrooms. These will be 2 metres apart from each other. They will also be given hand sanitiser upon entering the yard.
Children will be picked up from the same gate as they were dropped off at. Please ensure that you are there on time to prevent any congestion at the gates.
It is understandable if some children are a little anxious about returning. Teachers might need to take their hand and comfort them if a child is particularly upset. During such instances staff will not get down to the same level as your child to avoid having face to face contact.

School Day

Each group will use the same room for all their school work, although we will also be spending a lot of time outside in the school grounds.
They will follow a structured and stimulating curriculum delivered by their year group teachers. For those children who are unable to return to school the distance learning programme will continue.
Pupils will work from their own desk and will have their own resources and books to use. These will be placed in their own folder or tray and only used by them.
The sessions before the end of the summer term are aimed at enabling children to ‘check in, catch up and prepare’ for the return to school in September. There will be a large emphasis on pupil well-being and we will do our utmost to make sure pupils feel safe and well cared for whilst at school.
Pupils will have access to a laptop or iPad to use throughout the day. This is aimed at helping support their use at home for distance learning.

Playtimes and Lunchtimes

Playtimes will be staggered (like pick up and drop off times) so as to enable social distancing. Play times will be outside (weather permitting) with each group in their own zoned areas of the playground, field or woodland area.
Playtimes will look a little different. Playtimes will be staggered and not all pupils will be out at the same time. When playing pupils will be socially distancing from each other.
Pupils from different groups will not be able to mix with each other and must continue to socially distance when playing outside.
Lunch will consist of a packed lunch provided from home which will be eaten in the classrooms. The tables that the children sit at during lunchtime will be disinfected before and after eating. The children are also permitted to bring in a water bottle and snack for the day too.


Children will be required to wash their hands regularly throughout the day. They will be asked to wash hands upon entering and leaving school, before and after eating, before and after using the outdoors and after using the bathroom. Every classroom used has access to a sink.
Please make sure that your child has washed their hands before they leave for school in the morning.
Hand sanitiser stations will be found in classrooms and across the school to be used by pupils and staff also.
Hygiene teams will clean high touch/contact areas throughout the day across the school.
Toilets will be monitored to ensure that pupils socially distance and hands are washed according to guidance. Toilets will also be assigned to groups - with one group using the same toilets for the day.
Only one pupil at a time will be permitted to use the toilet facility at one time. If the toilet is in use markers have been placed on the floor so children know where to wait (at an appropriate distance).
PPE is available to staff if undertaking first aid or intimate care.
Staff and pupils are required to wear clean clothes every day. Pupils should wear school uniform. However, if they have grown out of this then they are permitted to wear other suitable clothing.
Each classroom will have their own cleaning resources to enable regular cleaning throughout the day.
Classrooms will be well ventilated throughout the day with windows and doors open.

How Parkland will look

The school and, in particular, the classrooms won't look exactly like they did before. Many of the resources and surplus furniture will have been stored away or put to one side.
Whilst movement around the school building will be kept to a minimum there will be a one way system used throughout.
The grounds are largely the same but the children will only be allowed to access certain areas at certain times of the day.
Corridor, hall and classroom doors will be propped open to avoid touching.

Items from Home

Children are able to bring a lunchbox, water bottle and healthy snack into school. Coats and sun hats can be brought to school weather permitting. These items will be kept under your child's table or on the back of their chair. We ask children not to bring anything else from home.
As sun cream is not allowed to be brought in to school please ensure that it has been applied before the start of the school day.
Older pupils will not be permitted to bring mobile phones to school.

Additional Information

Please remember that children will not be able to return to school if they have not been registered for 'check in' sessions.
On the first day back there will be a fire drill. This is because the fire assembly points have changed to avoid congestion and we want the children to know where they should go.
If at all possible we ask parents/guardians to avoid using public transport when bringing their child/children to school. If public transport needs to be used then please ensure social distancing takes place when using it.
We will not be able to accept children who arrive late to school. Please make sure drop off and pick up times are followed.
The school office will be closed to visitors although you can contact the school over the telephone.
If any child begins to display symptoms throughout the day we have an isolation room where pupils are supervised until they are picked up. This is away from other pupils and staff.
Medication will be kept in the classrooms in sealed boxes. EpiPens will also be stored safely in the classrooms. These and first aid kits (which include PPE) will be taken outside when the group is using the outdoor zones.
A picture risk assessment will be visible to the children throughout the day. The pupils will be supervised all day and will be reminded of social distancing rules as well as hygiene rules whenever needed.

Staying Safe in Parkland

Here is a video explaining to pupils what they will need to do when school reopens. Please share this with your child/children so that they know what to expect.


Created with images by United Nations COVID-19 Response - "This illustration is designed to aid and teach children the importance of personal hygiene, especially through the COVID-19 pandemic. Through vibrant illustration and text, the viewer will be taken along a magical and playful journey to discover how to wash your hands correctly. The use of bold colours captures the attention of the viewer and takes some joy into a very difficult and confusing time for children. Image created by Sophie Cane. Submitted for United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives - help stop the spread of COVID-19." • Unknown - "Cleaning Cleanser Woman · Free image on Pixabay" • Mika Baumeister - "Protective masks, normally used for surgery, are now in use to fight the Corona Virus SARS-nCov-19. " • Ramakant Sharda - "untitled image"
