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Salem Womxn's March 2018 A great follow-up to the 2017 Women's March

Today my wife, Laurel, and I took part in the 2018 Salem Womxn's March. (The "x" represents marginalized women, such as transgender women.) It was a cold and rainy January day here in Oregon, just as it was on the day the 2017 Women's March was held.

The spirits of those who attended the Womxn's March weren't dampened, however. They were as enthusiastic as before, pleased to be able to come out and publicly stand for social justice, equity, and fairness. And, for sure, to protest the horrors of what the Trump administration has wrought.

Here's a link to a Statesman Journal story about the event: "Roughly 1,000 march through Salem for Womxn's March."

Below are a couple of videos of the event and a "glideshow" of a bunch of photos I took, mostly of creative signs people brought to the Womxn's March.

The following video is a CCTV production that featured an interview with Laurel. She was a lead organizer of the 2017 Women's March, though the interviewer didn't know that when she was picked out of the crowd to talk about why she came to the Womxn's March.

And here's a three and a half minute video I made of the beginning of the march. People had to stick to the sidewalks, so it took a while to get to Court Street.

Now, on to the photos. I've included a brief commentary on each. Scroll down to see them.

I sure wish he wasn't our president. Hopefully in three years, or even sooner, he won't be.

Yes, Oregon deserves to have our beautiful coastline saved from oil drilling, just like Florida.

Yikes. I like the idea of throwing Trump out. But visualizing him in his underwear is beyond disturbing.

Here's the full sign of the girl in the "cover photo" of this web page.

I tried to get this girl to show her face, but she preferred to be incognito. Hey, Super Heroes get to do what they want.

Great simple advice.

Our dog would do anything for biscuits or chew sticks, so this is totally believable.

We can only hope.

It's crazy that at the moment, Republicans are refusing to offer Dreamers the protection they deserve, choosing a government shutdown instead.

Nicely said. And drawn.

Creative Star Wars takeoff.

Nice adaptation of a famous saying.

Two true statements.

These signs seemed to go together.

One of the youngest activists, looking happy.

If Trump only understood this...

Wordless, yet says so much.

I love the P.S. One of the best reasons for saving the Earth I've ever seen.

They look like really NICE revolutionaries,

Great signs. Great sentiments.


I like the small print in the sign: "Too cute to be binary."

So true. So very, very true.

So important: VOTE. In every election. Local, state, national.

There was a guy with a Nazi flag on the outskirts of the Womxn's March. He mostly got ignored. As he should be.

But Trump does. Constantly,

This is my wife, Laurel, with her Strong Women sign.

It's totally justified.

Part of the crowd, waiting for the speeches to start.

Lastly, here's a link to my web page about the 2017 Salem Women's March. Thanks so much to the organizers of the 2018 Womxn's March. It takes a lot of time and effort to put an event like this on. Their work is much appreciated.

UPDATE: It bugs me when the Adobe Spark Glideshow, which I otherwise like a lot, forces me to cut off a sign holder's head in order to show the full sign. So here's standalone images of the "headless" photos.

Created By
Brian Hines

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