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Simulation and integrative learning @ UIC

Hello From SAIL,

These are certainly unprecedented times. We are sending well wishes to all, and our thoughts are with those adversely affected by COVID 19.

SAIL, in an attempt to keep operations going while maintaining the highest standards of safety, has been busy reimagining simulation in the age of COVID. Currently we are holding all human-based simulation encounters via tele-simulation. Technology-based, mannequin simulation scenarios are being facilitated using various modalities. These range from completely virtual simulations to hybrid experiences with learners being remote while Simulation Technicians are at SAIL. To learn more about SAIL going virtual, please check out our webinar series, “Navigating Uncharted Water: Simulation in the Age of COVID"

SAIL is dedicated to continuing the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion dialogue. We are exploring how simulation can be used as a tool in facilitating these often hard but crucial conversations. Raina Long, Human-Based Simulation Coordinator, also started our “Say More” program to explore how marginalized groups experience their time at SAIL and how we can be more inclusive in all aspects of our work and community.

And finally, in the very near future, SAIL will be releasing its own podcast series, “BS - Beyond Simulation.” Each month, this unique program will offer a glimpse into some of the most influential simulation professionals’ lives, figuring out what really makes them tick. Why did they get into simulation? What passions and interests from their outside world fuel their simulation creations? How do they see simulation helping to heal the world? Check it out!

Stay safe!

Christine Park, MD, Director SAIL

Robert Kiser, Associate Director SAIL


Say More seeks to address ways in which we can actively address systemic racism and provide an anti-racist work environment. We at SAIL have always sought to maintain a work environment that encourages and supports the basic inalienable rights of all Human Beings. We recognize that this is a goal that requires sustained work and attention. In order to ensure that SAIL is, and continues to be, a friendly work environment for ALL, we have begun the Say More initiative.

Currently, Say More has gained valuable information from SAIL employees through surveys and Zoom meetings initiated by Human-Based Simulation Coordinator Raina Long, and plans to reach out to UIC COM students regarding policies and procedures as they pertain to systemic racism. Say More also maintains a resource document that offers information on books, articles, and other media and organizations that focus on anti-racism.


While we have all been affected by COVID-19 in different ways, the SAIL team created some wonderful webinars that were shared across the simulation community. We had a healthy number of people in attendance, creating opportunities to share innovations and developments enabling the continuation of simulation education. A congratulations to all involved.

You can view the webinars by visiting the following link:

Topics include:

  • Post-Pandemic Reconstruction and Transition for Experiential Learning
  • Effective Rapport-building Through the Barrier of Virtual Conversations
  • Using Zoom to Audition Potential Standardized Patients
  • Turning Mannequin-Based Scenarios into 100% Virtual, Live, and Interactive Tele-Sim
  • Adaptive Policy Modifications for Simulation Centers
  • In-person standardized patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: exploitative practice or necessary for education?


Our TBS staff has gone above and beyond moving simulations to a virtual platform. They devised, trouble shot, and evolved innovative formats in order to continue providing valuable services for our learners running virtually during these challenging times.

New Wheels

Pre COVID-19, SAIL had a very robust in-situ simulation program providing in unit simulation at least 4 times a month to various inpatient and outpatient departments. With the move to the new location on Wood and Roosevelt, equipment including a simulator, computers, and supplies had to be physically transported on an old ambulance stretcher 3 blocks to the hospital rain or shine. The new vehicle gives SAIL the ability to safely transport people and materials across campus quickly and rapidly, all while protecting our human based and technology based investments. SAIL staff will no longer be victim to the elements, the dangers of crossing Roosevelt Road, or the shocked stares of civilians who think a corpse is being rolled down Wood Street.

Our TBS staff has gone above and beyond moving simulations to a virtual platform. They devised, trouble shot, and evolved innovative formats in order to continue providing valuable services for our learners running virtually during these challenging times.

Innovative Tele-Sim 2.0

TBS has impressively adapted programming in response to the challenges of the pandemic by creating Tele-Sim 2.0, a hybrid version of the established tele-sim program. The SAIL staff executes the mannequin simulation on site while the learners and faculty stream in via Zoom. The hope is to transition ALL of mannequin sim to Tele-Sim 2.0 as we continue to provide quality simulation experiences for our learners during COVID.

TBS is able to manage this innovative approach by utilizing four different camera views:

  1. Bird's eye view - providing a view of the entire room so that the learners can see all movement and action.
  2. Bedside POV - this camera is over the patient's left shoulder. This camera is especially useful for the embedded nurse and participant (i.e. family, friend) because this is the camera in which they will direct their communication.
  3. One on the cameras will be set up on the patient monitor.
  4. The last camera, will be mobile to create a first person POV. This camera will be able to zoom in on the mannequin, any moulage, and whatever interventions needed.

Current Remote Programs

  • M3 Peds
  • M3 Surgical Clerkship
  • M4 EM Clerkship
  • M4 Anesthesia
  • M4 Anesthesia Skills
  • GME Pediatrics
  • Global Health Hybrid Virtual Sim

Upcoming Remote Programs

  • UIH OR Virtual In-Situ

Current In-Person Programs (following COVID safety guidelines)

  • American Heart Association certifications BLS/ACLS/PALS
  • M3 Surgical Clerkship Skills
  • M4 EM Clerkship Skills
  • GME EM Residency Office Hours
  • CVC Workshops


What a fascinating 8 months this has been! Our very last in-person simulation with Standardized Patients was Friday, March 13. We started this quarantine not knowing how we could continue educating our learners while still keeping everyone safe. But by March 27, with the use of technology and the diligence and flexibility of staff, SPs, and students, we were conducting our SP encounters virtually. Tweaking as we went, we continued to streamline and improve the process. All of our human based simulation from workshops to assessments are currently running through a Learning Space/Zoom integration. A big shout out to our SPs who have climbed this steep learning curve with us. We have been consistently impressed with their willingness to learn and patience while we all change with the times.

We have completed several history taking workshops for the M1 learners and a few workshops with Physical Exams. We are now preparing for Assessments coming up in the winter and spring months. Here’s a brief rundown of what we’ve been able to offer our learners.

Recent Programs

  • M1 HPI Workshop
  • M1 Complete History Workshop
  • M2 Communication Workshop
  • M1 Adv HPI and Adv History Workshops
  • M2 Immersion

Current and Continuing Remote Programs

  • M1 Sensitive History
  • M2 Mental Status
  • M3 Psychiatry Clerkship
  • M3 GCE
  • M3 Internal Med Clerkship
  • CON Adult Nurse Practitioners
  • CON Family Nurse Practitioners

Upcoming Remote Programs

  • M4 Advanced Patient Scenarios
  • M2 OSCE
  • M1 History Taking Exam
Be Safe - Wear A Mask


With COVID-19 cases spiking in Illinois, UIC is continually updating safety protocol information for faculty, staff, and students. On November 11, Chancellor Michael D. Amiridis announced the suspension of most in-person instruction as of November 20. Most programming will be moved to online formats for the health and safety of all.

SAIL, following these guidelines, will cease most in-person instruction until further notice. Staff members are encouraged to work remotely if at all possible, avoid commuting via public transportation, and follow the precautions in place. All SP encounters will continue to be held virtually for the foreseeable future. Those who must come into the center will be screened in the lobby.

New precautions for any in-person interactions include mandatory face shields, in addition to masks, for any contact within 6 feet of other staff or students.


Catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic, a global, multiprofessional group of leading simulationists crafted a manifesto for action to move healthcare simulation, as a practice, forward through safety, advocacy and leadership. Join this informative session to learn more about the tenets of this manifesto. The authors, themselves, will also share their own personal connection to this "call to action" that engages simulationists to adopt a commitment to comprehensive safety, to advocate collaboratively and to lead ethically.

Click this link to watch the Manifesto webinar

Click here to read and review the Manifesto for Healthcare Simulation Practice

Co-Authors of the Manifesto presenting:

  • Christine S. Park, MD
  • Lou Clark, PhD, MFA
  • Grace Gephardt, MEd
  • Jamie M Robertson, PhD, MPH
  • Bee Leng Sabrina Koh, MHSc(Edu), PGDip(Critical Care), BN
  • Kellie D. Bryant, DNP, WHNP
  • David J. Grant, MBChB(Stellenbosch), MRCPCH(RCPCH), FFICM(RCPCH)
  • Dinker R. Pai, MBBS, MS, FRCS
  • Jesika S. Gavilanes, MA
  • Edgar Israel Herrera Bastida, MD, M.Sc, PhD(c)
  • Keith Littlewood, MD
  • Eliana Escudero, RN, CNM, MSEd
  • Li David Li, MD, PhD
  • Dayna K. Downing, MBA, MHA
  • Michelle A. Kelly, PhD MN BSc RN
  • Jane Lindsay Miller, PhD, MA
  • Debra Nestel, PhD FAcadMEd
  • Jan-Joost Rethans, MD, PhD

Curated, Created, and Collaborated on by: Amy Binns-Calvey, Edward Fraim, and Lynda Shadrake

Created By
Edward Fraim


Created with images by Tumisu - "coronavirus virus mask" • viarami - "covid19 virus corona" • nastya_gepp - "medicine mask coronavirus" • mobinovyc - "scarlet sails neva evening"
