Conservation Trust of Puerto Rico
- 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and a public leader in environmental conservation and historic preservation in the islands of Puerto Rico
- 50-year trajectory
Operational Model
- Ecology
- History
- Education
- Volunteers
- Agroecology
- Communities
Our Habitat
- Main island
- 5 satellite islands
- 4 islets
- 588 cays
- 2.2 million acres
- 799 miles of coastline
- 25 ecosystem types
- Insular Caribbean Biodiversity Hotspot
- Over 10,000 species identified
Puerto Rico's Landscape Integrity
Map 33
Our goal is to conserve 33% of the lands of Puerto Rico by 2033 while promoting an ecological culture throughout the islands
Current Status of Land Conservation
• 2000: 8% lands protected • 2021: 17% lands protected
Para la Naturaleza Land Conservation Achievements
• 35,625 acres of land • 1.7% of Puerto Rico’s territory • 64 natural protected areas
Natural Protected Areas and Historical Sites
Hacienda La Esperanza, Manatí
- A historical 2,220 acre sugar cane plantation located near the karstic zone
- Contains alluvial plains, beaches, herbaceous wetlands, an estuary and mangroves
Cabezas de San Juan, Fajardo
- A 316 acre natural protected area containing mangroves, coral reefs, a subtropical dry forest, sandy and rocky coasts
- It also has the Laguna Grande bioluminescent lagoon, one of the three bioluminescent lagoons within Puerto Rico
Hacienda Buena Vista, Ponce
- An 82 acre subtropical rain forest with a river called Canas, that was previously a cacao, plantain and citrus fruit hacienda in the 20th century
Casa Ramon Power y Giralt
- 0.12 acres
- Birthplace of Ramón Power y Giralt, the first Puerto Rican delegate to the Courts of Cádiz in Spain
Antiguo Acueducto del río Piedras
- First aqueduct of San Juan
- Located in Río Piedras Botanical Garden
- Linked to both the landscape and ecology of the Piedras river
- National Register of Historic Places since 2007
- In process of restoration
A collaboration with the Municipality of San Juan, JorgeRigau Arquitectos and Aldayjover: arquitectura y paisaje
Promoting an Ecological Culture
Inspiring Stewards of Nature
Educational Offerings
- 32 years of environmental education
- 43 nature and history tours
- 22 workshops
2008 - 2020
Volunteer Participation
- 33,390 unique volunteers
- 205,935 participations
- 594,048 hours donated
- $7.5 million estimated value of volunteer time
2008 - 2018
Citizen Science
- Includes: CC-HLE, Corals, DUNAS, Map of Life, Champion Trees, Archaeology, bird counts, coastal studies, etc.
- 13,476 volunteers
- 130,015 participations
- 256,795 hours donated
- $3 million estimated value of volunteer time
- 5 tree nurseries
2018 - May 31, 2021
- 284,242 trees produced
- 105,778 trees planted
- 18 biocomisos (school tree nurseries)
- 9 botanical gardens (in INE schools)
Growing Food Sustainability
- Grants: 132 farmers, $492,000
- Funds raised for agroecological projects: $763,479
- Training and workshops: 33 workshops
- Demonstration gardens: 5
- Community gardens: 5
- Land leased to farmers: 1,581 acres (15 farmers / 28 locations)
- Supporting resilient community development
- Over 97,500 individuals impacted
- An average of 46% of the population living below the poverty line
- Lowest average household annual income $9,122 (Pellejas)
- 33 community centers
- Retrofitted with solar energy systems, as well as water harvesting and purification systems
- Capacity building
School Programs
- Environmental projects at INE schools throughout the islands of PR
- Existing projects in 6 schools
- 4 school gardens and
- 2 butterfly gardens
- 14 additional school projects in 2022
Casa Knowlton, Cerro Feliz Natural Protected Area
- 47 protected acres
- Sustainable alignment with surrounding ecology and integrated biodiversity
Community Garden Projects
- A collaborative project with Mujeres de Islas
- 3 satellite gardens at residences of women participating in the Siembra en SEVA project
- Educational programming on plant health and maintenance
Leaders in Conservation of Culebra
- A collaborative project with La Fundación de Culebra
- 12 participants between the ages of 12-17 years from the Ecological School and Abbie School
- Longterm community involvement and nature stewardship objective
Supporting Community Resiliency
3 community centers
- La Fundación de Culebra Museo
- El Polvorín
- Mujeres de Islas
Flamenco Beach Botanical Coastal Forest
- International distinction, ranked one of the top beaches in the world
- Collaboration proposal with the Municipality of Culebra
Strengthening Coastal Communities
- Vegetation survey and assessment plan by Vaccarino Associates
Enhancing Social Resilience
- Reinforcing the natural systems of its coastal forest, dunes, and hydrology
- Strengthening protection from future coastal climate events and natural hazards
Restoring Cultural Heritage: The Culebrita Lighthouse
- Usufruct contract with the Municipality of Culebra signed on January 27, 2015 with a 20 year term, extendable by 10 years
A Stunning Ecological Treasure
- Subtropical dry forest
- 4 marine turtle species
- Sandy and rocky beaches
- 100 flora species
- Native and endemic species
- 80 migratory and endemic birds
- 1,200 acres of coral reefs
Puerto Rico’s Easternmost Gem
- The Culebrita Lighthouse is located in the easternmost point of the Puerto Rican archipelago
- Built by the Spanish Crown between 1882 and 1886
- E-shaped floor plan
- One of the oldest lighthouses in the Caribbean (1886)
- The only Spanish era building remaining in the Culebra jurisdiction
Protected within the National Register of Historic Places
Design Plan
Floor Plan
- Visitor Center, Reception and Exhibition Areas
- Community and Educational Programming Areas
- Investigative and Field Work Stations
- Lodging Areas for Educational and Investigative Collaborations
Landscape Site Plan
Vaccarino Associates
- ToroArquitectos in collaboration with Vaccarino Associates for landscape architecture
- Careful and specific selection of vegetative species introduction
Planting Plan
Native Plant List
World Class Ecological Experience
Citizen Science
- Map of Life Program
- Scientific research
- Data collection
- Monitoring protocols self-guided interpretative signaling and exhibitions
- Tour programming + environmental interpretation
- Learning opportunities
- Field station
Community Initiatives
- Volunteer events
- Outdoor classrooms
- Gathering areas for community events
- Historical and architectural tourism
- A unique destination
- Birdwatching
- Sea turtle monitoring
- Recreation
- Surfing and paddleboarding
- Snorkeling and kayaking
- Boating and sailing
- Botanical research
- Camping
- Hiking