United States Congress Committees By Ryan Banks

Standing Committees

They oversee bills that deal with their certain issues

Examples: Budget Committee and The Science Committee

Sub Committees

They specialize in a subcategory of an individual Standing Committee

Examples: Health Committee and trade Committee

Select Committees

Created from Standing committees to research a certain topic

Examples: Committee On Intelligence and Committee On Ethics

Joint Committees

They are created for both The House and The Senate to be a part of.

Examples: The Joint Economic Committee and The Joint Committee of Printing

Conference Committees

They are created when The House and Senate want to pass a bill


Members & Geographical Location:

McCain, John (AZ) , Chairman

Inhofe, James M. (OK)

Sessions, Jeff (AL)

Wicker, Roger F. (MS)

Ayotte, Kelly (NH)

Fischer, Deb (NE)

Cotton, Tom (AR)

Rounds, Mike (SD)

Ernst, Joni (IA)

Tillis, Thom (NC)

Sullivan, Dan (AK)

Lee, Mike (UT)

Graham, Lindsey (SC)

Cruz, Ted (TX)

Reed, Jack (RI), Ranking Member

Nelson, Bill (FL)

McCaskill, Claire (MO)

Manchin, Joe (WV)

Shaheen, Jeanne (NH)

Gillibrand, Kirsten E. (NY)

Blumenthal, Richard (CT)

Donnelly, Joe (IN)

Hirono, Mazie K. (HI)

Kaine, Tim (VA)

King, Angus S. (ME)

Heinrich, Martin (NM)

Veterans' Affairs Committee

Members & Geographical Locations:

Johnny Isakson, Georgia, Chair.

Jerry Moran, Kansas.

John Boozman, Arkansas.

Dean Heller, Nevada.

Bill Cassidy, Louisiana.

Mike Rounds, South Dakota.

Thom Tillis, North Carolina.

Dan Sullivan, Alaska.

Committee on Homeland security and Governmental Affairs

Members & Geographical Location:

Johnson, Ron (WI) , Chairman

McCain, John (AZ)

Portman, Rob (OH)

Paul, Rand (KY)

Lankford, James (OK)

Ayotte, Kelly (NH)

Enzi, Michael B. (WY)

Ernst, Joni (IA)

Sasse, Ben (NE)

Carper, Thomas R. (DE), Ranking Member

McCaskill, Claire (MO)

Tester, Jon (MT)

Baldwin, Tammy (WI)

Heitkamp, Heidi (ND)

Booker, Cory A. (NJ)

Peters, Gary C. (MI)


Created with images by Ronile - "statue of liberty new york ny" • cliff1066™ - "United States Capitol" • Coast Guard News - "Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing" • johnrocks888 - "memorial soldier marine" • DonkeyHotey - "Department of Homeland Security"


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