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Aam ji luu-x̱hln̓aa-t'aatgwin Student newsletter | November 2020

Welcome to another issue of Aam ji luu-x̱hln̓aa-t'aatgwin!

Welcome to the sixteenth issue of Aam ji luu-x̱hln̓aa-t'aatgwin. Each month, we will focus on an Indigenous language in our region. This month, we are focusing on the Witsuwit'en language, and using Witsuwit'en words throughout.

Aam ji luu-x̱hln̓aa-t'aatgwin means "it's good for you to stay home" in Nisga'a. In Witsuwit'en, we say TSIYÏH’ YIKH OH’ DÏZIWLHTSIY: Stay home everybody, and take care of yourself So' ghundlï!

Time has gone by so fast, we are already in the month of c'indek (November-December). Classes have been in session for the last few months, so no doubt you are very busy learning how to use online and virtual learning tools and doing assignments.

Did you celebrate Halloween Lidu sa? It was really fun carving pumpkins and socially distance trick or treating this year, many houses had really neat tunnel contraptions to hand out candy! It was still fun seeing all of the children dressed up and celebrating in the best way we could. Thank you to the students who picked up pumpkins and goody bags. We hope it helped you get into the spirit!

FNAC Katie’s Pumpkin Carving & Trick or Treat Goody Bags

Please email to sign up for our events! We are always so happy to see students at our events and connecting them with an elder, artist, or knowledge keeper. If you keep missing out on events due to your class time overlapping, send an email to, because we look forward to your feedback!

Feel free to reach out to us if you need any assistance. We are here for you! We will do our best to support you in every step of your educational journey.

It is also important to find balance in your mind, body, spirit, and soul. Connect with family! Connect to the Yintikh (territory)! Take some time to just be mindful of the beautiful space we live in. It will rejuvenate you. We hope you enjoy this edition that focuses on the Yintikh and all that it has to offer.

Please stay safe. Stick to six in your bubble, keep your physical distance from people outside your bubble. Wear a mask while shopping, use hand sanitizer and keep washing your hands. We will get through this together. Above all: be kind to one another!

A few of the FNACs dressed up for the Spooky Stories event with Larry Derrick on Oct 30th
We had such a great time at our Spooky Stories event with Larry Derrick!

Enjoy, Take Care, and Stay Safe!

Veronica Waechter, Terrace

Sharon Oskey, Prince Rupert

Kellie Nyce, Hazelton

Katie Humphrey, Smithers

Left to right: Veronica Waechter, Jillian Stephens, Kellie Nyce, Katie Humphrey & Sharon Oskey
On behalf of the First Nations Access Coordinators Veronica Waechter, Sharon Oskey, Katie Humphrey and Kellie Nyce, we would like to extend congratulations to Jillian Stephens for accepting her new term role as acting manager of learner services. But don’t worry- she will be coming back as FNAC in February. We already miss her!
Beagle the eagle

In honor of Remembrance Day,

November 11th we take a moment in silence and remember those who served and those who did not return home.

Thank you Sigidimnak' Haak (Charlene Stephens) for submitting photo of Hector Gurney, who served in world war 2 as a gunner and a windtalker and also patrolled POWs.

Lest we Forget.

Upcoming Events

Sign up today!

Stress-Buster & Wellness Day Activities

Students, join us for an afternoon of Stressbusters Wellness Activities to stay connected with others and your mind, body, spirit, and sou!. We will have wellness kits to distribute, please contact us to register with your name, location, and student number. We look forward to sharing space with you all virtually while taking part in wellness activities, because Connection is Indigenous!

  • Date: November 18th
  • Time: 12:00-2:00pm
  • Through Bluejeans

For more information and to register email

Self care is Essential!

Tea & Sharing Circle

  • Date: November 25
  • Time: 12:00-2:00
  • Bluejeans (online)

Bring your lunch and tea and join us virtually and connect with our CMTN Elder/Knowledge Keeper, or just pop in to stay connected! Our topic will be student life during Covid. Limited space- sign up today!

for more info or sign up email

Salmon Painting with Michelle Stoney

Join us for an afternoon of painting with local Gitxsan artist Michelle Stoney as she teaches us how to paint one of her salmon designs on canvas

  • Date: December 2
  • Time: 11:00-2:00
  • Bluejeans (online)

Limited Space, students must register by November 20th to receive the painting kit and supplies

For more info or to sign up, email

Poppy Pin Beading Workshop Sessions with Shalane Pauls are coming along well!

Poppy Pin Beading in progress....stay tuned for more!

What Would Cha'/Tso' Do?

Check out one of our language spotlights with Dolly Alfred from the Witsuwit’en Nation! Misiyh Dolly for sharing Witsuwit'en Wednesday on Facebook as well! We challenge you to practice these words at home. Find more of her language lessons here.

Cha’/Tso’ would say now that it is Khït Winter and c’indek November-December, the widïzilh seasons are changing. We will soon be wearing our heavier jackets/coats dzut. The year is coming to an end. With the Khït winter coming, some family members are going out to the forest to get wood dicin or hunt moose Dinï co. . Cha'/Tso' would want you to be careful if you go out. She would ask “Nts'ë tah tëzïnye?Where are you going? She would say Nenyust'en’ I will see you again. Take good care of yourselves So’co ghenee’owhdli

We challenge you to practice these Witsuwit'en words at home

c’indek- November/December

Khït- Winter

widïzilh- Seasons


Dinï co.-hunt moose


Nts'ë tah tëzïnye?- Where are you going?

Nenyust'en’ -I will see you again.

Misiyh- Thank You

c’ika’iwit’ah- It is hunting season

for more words to practice please visit

Pumpkin Soup Anyone?

Did you make Pumpkin Seeds with your Halloween Pumpkins? Did you know you can also make soup and serve it right in your pumpkin? What is your favorite recipe using pumpkins? We are always looking for new and exciting recipes to try out!

found at

Pumpkin Soup Recipe

  • 2 c. finely chopped onions
  • 1/2 c. finely chopped celery
  • 1/2 c. butter
  • 3 cans chicken broth
  • 2c. pumpkin puree or 1 can of pumpkin
  • 1 can evaporated milk
  • 1/4 c. grated parmesan
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1/2 tsp. curry powder
  • 1/4 tsp. ginger
  • 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
  • 1/8 tsp. chilli powder
  • salt and pepper to taste

In a large saucepan or stockpot, very lightly saute onions and celery in 1/4c. butter. Cook until onions begin to look translucent. Add broth, pumpkin, evaporated milk, parmesan, spices, and bay leaf. Bring to boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add salt and pepper, if needed. Stir in remaining butter.

Recipe tried & tested by FNAC Katie!

If you are going to serve your soup inside the pumpkin, follow these steps. A hallow pumpkin makes the perfect tureen for a festive family meal!

  • Wash the pumpkin and scoop out the seeds and stringy mess
  • spray inside and out with non-stick oil cooking spray
  • lightly sprinkle inside with salt
  • put the pumpkin top lid beside the pumpkin on a baking sheet
  • bake at 325 for 1 hour, bake until inside begins to soften
  • pour hot soup into the prepared pumpkin shell, top with grated Parmesan and chopped chives if desired

Are you interested in learning more about traditional food and harvesting? Learn more with First Nations Health Authority and read their fact sheet with brief information about the Northwest goodness.

Chow n' Chill

We know waiting for your soup to chill and it's a long wait! Check out these entertainment suggestions!

Indigenous in Media

Trickster, CBC’s newest TV series, is based on the bestselling trilogy of novels by Eden Robinson, set in Kitimat on unceded Haisla territory.

Check it Out! Photo from CBC

Jared is only sixteen but feels like he is the one who must stabilize his family's life. He puzzles over why his maternal grandmother has never liked him, why she says he's the son of a trickster, that he isn't human.

DISCLAIMER: There may be subject matter that will be triggering for viewers, including violence, alcohol and drug use, trauma, sexuality, and criminal activity. Not suitable for those under 18 years of age.

Watch all episodes for free at:

Indigenous Reads

Listening to our Ancestors : the Art of Native Life Along the North Pacific Coast, Introduction by Chief Robert Joseph. Published by the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian.

Photo captured from amazon

This great read includes perspectives from Coast Salish, Makkah, Nuu-chah-nulth, Kwakwaka’wakw, Heiltsuk, Nuxaulk, Tsimshian, Nisga’a, Gitxsan, Haida, and Tlingit community people about how the art of their ancestors relates to their distinct spiritual beliefs and oral histories. Find a longer description here.

Available to loan hard copy at the CMTN Library or purchase from CMTN Bookstore


You can check out this video playlist on YouTube that the Smithsonian Museum has published about the book. Each video includes a community member from a distinct nation along the northwest coast explaining a special piece of art that has been held at the museum. The Smithsonian NMAI Channel has many other videos on YouTube with interviews and panel discussions, focusing on many strong indigenous voices.

The first video in the playlist, Kwakwaka'wakw community curators Barb Cranmer and William Wasden Jr. discuss the significance of a 'Namxxelagayu (Sea Monster mask).

Your weekly meme

Meme captured from Pinterest

Self-Care is Essential

We know self-care can take the back burner during semester starts! We want to make sure that you are still taking time to decompress and breath. Try this new colouring sheet released by Michelle Stoney, Gitxsan Artist!

Stoney Quarantine colouring day #94

Michelle Stoney is also selling her new colouring books through her Facebook page! Colouring has many great benefits for our mental, emotional, and intellectual health. Learn more about those benefits HERE!

On-Campus Safety Guidelines

Due to our COVID-19 response, things look a bit different this year at CMTN. Take a tour of our Terrace campus to learn more about how what kinds of changes to expect this year if you need to visit any of our campuses for the practical training component of your program.


We have a No Visitors Policy. Access is granted to staff, students and others upon special approval. Please connect with one of our team if you are needing a face to face meeting or you are hoping to spend time on campus.

Some of the changes we have implemented include:

  • Limited face-to-face activities: Only approved face-to-face activities will take place on CMTN campuses this academic year.
  • Self-assessments: How are you feeling? Only come to campus if you are healthy and not experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Wash your hands. People are encouraged to wash hands with soap and water frequently, particularly before and after entering new spaces.
  • Physical distancing. Stay 6 feet - or ONE MOOSE - apart.
  • Face coverings are strongly encouraged. CMTN strongly encourages the use of face coverings while on campus. It is recommended that they be worn when indoors, and in any circumstance where safe and consistent physical distancing is not possible.

Find more information HERE on our website or you can connect through

If you are needing assistance with MyCMTN, Brightspace or other IT related issues, please contact the above email or phone. You can also visit the CMTN website for information on IT Services.

Student Supports

Educational Advisors have a new Virtual Drop-In time! Each week from 12:00-1:00 on Mondays, you can connect via Blue Jeans for a virtual face to face with an Education Advisor to ask questions or connect over any assistance you may need. Check in with a friendly face and let us know how you are doing with your classes and share successes as well as your challenges. We look forward to seeing you online! Here is the Link to join

Are you a student located in Terrace the Waap Galts'ap Longhouse is available to registered students for a quiet study space. It is available from 8am-10pm daily. Contact a FNAC today to gain access to this service.

Golnoosh Namazi, Organiser for the Coast Mountain Students’ Union, is here to support students with events, services, and advocacy. If you’re having trouble understanding your rights as a student, navigating through school procedures and policies, or engaging in campus life, the Students’ Union is here to support you. We want to hear from you! To learn more about what we’re here for or just to say hello, email us at or visit our website:

Are you facing challenges with lack of equipment or support? Contact your local FNAC and ask about the Indigenous Wellness Assistance Fund and the Lending Library.

Wondering about bursaries? Check out the CMTN FInancial Aid page to find out more about upcoming awards and bursaries. The next Deadline is February 15th, 2021. Contact your local FNAC for more information!

Are you interested in tutoring? The FNACs want to hear from you! We are calling for interest for any tutors who may be interested in peer-to-peer tutoring for the 2020/2021 Academic Year. This will be a paid position based on hours provided. Contact your local FNAC if you're interested!

Mental Health Check-in

Foundry BC is now offering virtual drop-in counselling for young people ages 12-24 and their families. To access this service, call 1-833-FØUNDRY (yes, that’s FØUNDRY with a zero! or 1-833-308-6379) to book an appointment. Sessions available through chat, voice-only calls or video calls.

Here2Talk connects students with mental health support when they need it. Through this program, all students currently registered in a B.C. post-secondary institution have access to FREE, confidential counselling and community referral services, conveniently available 24/7 via app, phone and web.

The Keep Me Safe program is available 24/7 through multiple formats (call, chat, email and videoconference) for you! Go to for more info.

Other resources you can reach out to:

Youth Online Chat at or text 250.564.8336 or call 1.888.564.8336. A confidential, anonymous peer support service operated by trained youth answering calls from other youth. Available 24/7.

Northern BC Crisis Line A safe, confidential and non-judgmental crisis line to discuss anything troubling you available 24/7. Call 1.888.562.1214.

BC Suicide Line 1.800.SUICIDE or 1.800.784.2433. If you are considering suicide or are concerned about someone who may, please call! Available 24/7.

The Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line is available 24-hours a day for anyone experiencing pain or distress as a result of their Residential school experience. Call 1.866.925.4419.

COVID-19 updates & FAQs

At Coast Mountain College we monitor the COVID-19 situation very closely and are guided by the Provincial Health Officer as we work with the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. For updates and FAQs please visit our website here.

Visit for more information.

Have something you want to contribute for next month's issue?

Feedback, story ideas or pictures to share? Contact us:

Connect with us!


