Please use the sample language and graphics below to share the Equity in Civics White Paper, presented by Generation Citizen and iCivics, with your networks. Suggested hashtag: #EdEquity
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What does an equitable civic education look like in the 21st century? iCivics and Generation Citizen have released the Equity in Civic Education paper that provides suggestions for creating an equitable comprehensive learning experience for today’s diverse student population. The report shares key findings and preliminary recommendations on how to implement the necessary systems change to bring about the civic education all students need and deserve. Read the paper: https://bit.ly/EquityCivicEd
How can we create inclusion in students’ first civic space, the classroom? @iCivics and @gencitizen have partnered to release the Equity in Civic Education paper, making the case for equity and diversity in civic education. Read it here: https://bit.ly/EquityCivicEd
Read the Equity in Civic Education paper from @iCivics and @gencitizen to find actionable recommendations for making civic education more equitable and relevant for today’s increasingly diverse student population: https://bit.ly/EquityCivicEd
What can be done to make civic education equitable for all students? @iCivics and @GenerationCitizen recently released the Equity in Civic Education paper with research findings and recommendations on how to create a learning experience that promotes diverse student voices and draws on their lived experiences. Read it here: https://bit.ly/EquityCivicEd
A team of 20 researchers, educators and civic education practitioners have released a white paper that outlines the challenges civic education has faced reaching youth of color. And it makes suggestions for how to make civic education more equitable and relevant for today’s increasingly diverse student population: https://bit.ly/EquityCivicEd