“When I paint I think of colors and shapes. I think of events and ideas that run through my mind, usually very abstract, and translate into a painting".
"I use multiple panels most of the time.....traveling between worlds".
"I walk on the beach with my dog in the Palisades, and the view translates into a painting when I get to my studio. The paintings are a collection of work that started 16 years ago. The paintings with the silhouettes and picket fences represent for me my past, my heritage. I grew up in Israel, the daughter of Holocaust survivors, and this impacted me throughout my artistic life and my daily being. I always think about the family that I never got to meet, and my parents who went through hell to survive. I painted with darker colors, and used the silhouettes and fences to describe my emotions. As I moved on in life I moved on with my art. I started to change colors; the new colors representing hope and survival. Hope for a better life, hope for peace in the world. The silhouettes always come back into my life....I guess no matter what I will never forget my heritage."
Exploring Shapes, Colors and Movement. Oil on Canvas - Mixed Media & Oil Pastels.
Picket Fences, Shadows. Colors. Acrylic on Paper. Acrylic on Canvas. Mixed Media & Oil Pastels
Collage Mixed Media on Wood and Canvas.
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Chanam
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chana53/?hl=en |
Art created by Chana Messer. Photography Chana Messer