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Digital Portfolio Rory vance


I chose this photo because I like how warm the colors are. I think this photo fits the prompt fill the frame. I took it while getting coffee with my friends on halloween and I picked up the camera because I thought my surroundings were very pretty


I chose this photo because the sky in the background is very striking and it utilizes rule of thirds. I took it while at lunch with my friends and i picked up the camera because the lighting was nice and my friend looked pretty.

Goose the Cat

I chose this photo because I like the lighting, the shadow over his face makes the white of his fur stand out. This photo demonstrates fill the frame.

Rest Stop

I chose this photo because to me it looks very welcoming and demonstrates contrast. I took the photo because out surroundings were very pretty and the colors complimented eachother.


I chose this photo because, though it is out of focus it helps the image invoke a certain energy. The subject is framed by the branches surrounding them and I took the photo because I wanted a candid.


I took this photo of a stray cat that lives on my porch and i chose it because it uses uses framing. I picked up the camera because the cat her surroundings were very aesthetically pleasing.

Frankie Cosmos

I chose this photo because the lighting is very striking and the lights in the top corners work as leading lines. I picked up the camera because they are one of my favorite band and we got really close to the stage.


I chose this image because the colors are very striking and it is a good example of repetition of patterns. I picked up the camera because the colors in the sky were like a painting.
