Betty Fedora Kickass women in crime fiction

Welcome to Betty Fedora, the journal dedicated to feminist crime fiction. What’s feminist crime fiction, you ask? Like the Supreme Court on pornography, we know it when we see it. Beyond that, it’s hard to define. But think tough, smart female characters with complexity, agency, and the power to make things happen. Some of the stories we publish feature heroines. Some feature anti-heroines. There’s no right or wrong way to write from a feminist point of view, as long as the women who populate your stories are characters who kick ass.

We’re currently closed to new submissions, but stay tuned later in 2018 for the Issue 5 submission window. We’ll also be launching stories online soon. Thanks for your patience while we straightened out our website!


Created with images by Sofia Sforza - "untitled image" • garryknight - "Blue Eyes, Red Lips"


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