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November 2019 @BVNLibrary This month we finished the research paper, worked with Physical Science classes, had some exciting visits, and worked on some new lessons with Biology students.

Physical Science: Spark Pages

Students in Mrs. Prakash's Physical Science classes created Adobe Spark pages to demonstrate the simple machines they found in their daily lives. Students uploaded photos, explained the machines, and found examples in their homes and daily lives.

BVEF Prize Patrol!

The BVEF Prize Patrol visited us to award us with 2 grants for the library! Ms. Snethen received a grant for "Something New @BVNLibrary", a program to purchase circulating totes to help students learn to do something new (crochet, play ukulele, juggle). Mrs. Cornelius received a grant for "Finding Calm @BVNLibrary", a program to purchase mindfulness supplies available to students in the library.

SLIM Revisited

As graduates of Emporia State University's School of Library and Information Management, we were happy to work with Spanish teacher and current SLIM student Kate Pommerenke. She recorded us for a class project discussing the importance of our library program and the future of school libraries.

Biology Research

Students in Mrs. Bauman's and Mrs. Morgan's freshman Biology classes used library databases to research various forms of carcinoma and created presentations. While the presentations lacked polish, the best learning result occurred while students reflected on their process and performance. Students ended up excited about their next opportunity to present and we were all impressed with their reflections.

Health: Managing Addiction

Students in Mr. Pummell's Health classes brainstormed ways to help loved ones in recovery after learning about substance abuse and addiction. Students used whiteboard tables to create visual representations of their ideas and then shared them with the class. They started with the first step in the design thinking process-empathy, and listed the feelings that would go along with being an addict or loving someone with an addiction. The results for this impromptu lesson were amazing!


Created with an image by Patrick Tomasso - "untitled image"
