Photo by the Alliance for Biking and Walking
Low-Stress Cycling (LSC) refers to the idea that a network may be established to ensure that there are ways in which cyclist can easily access areas throughout a city, without being an extremely confident rider.
Cyclists can face numerous challenges on the road including, but not limited to, road obstructions, high speed traffic, close encounters with motorized vehicles, and confusing signs. Delaware law strengthens legal protections for cyclists and other vulnerable road users.
However, there are answers to problems cyclists face. Using the Planning for Complete Communities in Delaware: The Low-Stress Bikeability Assessment Tool , local governments can improve bike infrastructure within their community.
The narrated presentation entitled, “Conducting a Low-Stress Bikeability Assessment: An Overview of What to Look for” provides part of the pre-assessment training needed when conducting a low stress bikeability assessment in a community. It is one component of the The Low-Stress Bikeability Assessment Tool, a resource is designed for Delaware local governments that are considering ways to improve the low-stress bikeability for areas within their community. Local government officials and stakeholders can use it to evaluate the extent to which average bicycle riders can easily access low-stress areas and develop strategies to leverage state investments to improve local cycling networks and bicycle infrastructure.
The video below, filmed in Newark, Delaware, offers a "first person" perspective of common cycling issues.
To download the Planning for Complete Communities in Delaware: The Low-Stress Bikeability Assessment Tool and resources, visit:
Timothy White, Public Administration Fellow, Institute for Public Administration, University of Delaware
Marcia Scott, Policy Scientist, Institute for Public Administration, University of Delaware