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Wintergreen adaptive sports totally awesome newsletter Special Wounded Warrior Weekend Edition

Phew! We did it!

For us, Wounded Warrior Weekend fittingly falls on Super Bowl weekend, because it's our chance to take it to the hoop, knock it out of the park, and mix our sports metaphors. This year we hosted about two dozen Wounded Warriors and just as many family members. And as always, we take away more from the experience than we give to them.

From the learning pen to swooshing down dobie, we took never-ever skiers and turned them into downhill daredevils!

The Warriors came to us this year from six states. As always, our gracious mountain hosts opened their homes free of charge. All the meals are gratis as is the top-notch adaptive instruction (#humblebrag). It's also a chance for volunteers who work on different days to all get together at the same time, because we need just about every available volunteer to pull this off.

Yes, we're all about the warriors, but we're also all about the families!

One of the things we are most proud of is that we have always made this a family weekend. Skiing and snowboarding are great activities to share with your kinfolk. And no matter what a person's disability may be, there is adaptive equipment that will allow him or her to keep up with a speedy spouse or a careening kid. And when that happens, the joy on all the faces is the fuel that keeps us going.

We not only teach warriors their way around the slopes, but we also teach kids, wives and husbands. The warriors have sacrificed so much, but as any military family can tell you, the sacrifices happen at home, too.

The weather was absolutely spectacular! That meant lots of smiles, lots of runs and lots of fun! So, if you can't tell, this weekend really hits us in the feels. And nothing hits harder than when we hear the Warriors thanking us for what we do. Several expressed that very sentiment on to local reporters who came and spent a lot of time with us and our special guests.

One of our warriors talks to cbs19 about why he spends this weekend with us, and more important, with fellow service members also facing challenges from their deployments in harm's way.

Stop it, you're making us blush!

For real, Wounded Warrior Weekend is a time that recharges us all. It is just about the literal least we could do for the men and women who have stepped up to serve, and who have paid a price.

we have lots of opportunities to use all our equipment and techniques, from pretty basic two-track lessons through tethered bi-skis like this one.

And, for the first time this year, we produced a post-event rock-n-roll video! Check it out:

So, thank you Warriors and families for spending some time with us. It is always our pleasure!

Can't wait for next year!

Wounded Warrior Weekend means we're in the heart of our winter season. And speaking of hearts -- sweethearts, specifically -- we have some Valentine's thoughts on tap from our very own Caroline the Scheduling Fairy!

Caroline's corner

Oops I’ve Done It Again…

I’ve fallen in love!

It happens several times a week and twice on Tuesdays. I am hopelessly smitten with our volunteers and students. It starts in the fall as the volunteer instructor applications roll in. As I read the applications, I am intrigued and delighted and eager to meet each person. Then the student applications start to arrive, all bearing stories that touch my heart. As the Scheduling Fairy, I want to gift every instructor and student with the WAS magic that comes from a perfect lesson pairing.

And then I could go on about how I love my job. But Mike says we have to limit our articles to 200 words or less [Editor's Note: Tough but Fair]. So my 10-page, single spaced manifesto on Why I Love My Job will have to wait for another edition. Suffice it to say that my job introduces me to all kinds of people I would never get to know otherwise, I am eager to come in each day and see everyone, my work is meaningful and benefits others, I get to take my dog to work and I can wear whatever wildly colorful leggings I want!

Love…it’s not just for Valentine’s Day.

Thank's Caroline! You are the WAS Valentine's Day Sweetheart that we have a collective crush on all year long!

Well, that's it for this episode! See you on the snow!

-- Mike Mather, Editor
