
Theatre Club Performs "The Worst High School Play in the World" as First Winter Play by bridget o'connor

On Sat. March 9, WHS Theatre Club performed “The Worst High School Play in the World.” The play focused on the comical story of Ivanha reclaiming the throne from his evil uncle, Prince Viscera. Ivanha struggles to come to the realization that, in fact, he is not really a squirrel, and he is actually a prince. He goes back to the kingdom, falls in love with Lenore and duels Prince Viscera in a joust.

"Being able to see the scene come to life in a very humorous way was both rewarding and hilarious," junior Aislyn O'Connell said.

Prince Viscera (Matthew Ong) tells Queen Nina (Samantha Simons) and Corsicana (Ava Straccia) his plan to get ride of baby Ivanha. (Photos/Bridget O'Connor)
Lady Lenore (Allie Millette) finds Ivanha (Liam Welch) counting on the ground.
All the monks (Miles Ahmed, Nicole Waters and Chloe Macomber) talk to Ivanha (Liam Welch) at Dabney Abbey.
Medulla (Colin Wilber) and Astrid (Margaret Wall) in Medulla's shop.
The director (Gina Destito), screaming at her cast (Cassandra Stelmash) about the trees while Queen Nina (Samantha Simons) waits to continue the scene.
Ivanha (Liam Welch) talking to mama squirrel (Cassandra Stelmash), after finding out he is not a squirrel.
The attendant (Aislyn O'Connell), telling Queen Nina (Samantha Simons) and Corsicana (Ava Straccia) that Prince Viscera is coming.
Friar Rico (Daniel Fredette) telling the story of Ivanha to Belinda (Erin Ledwith).
Corsicana (Ava Straccia) talks to Ivanha (Liam Welch) in the Boar's Breath Inn diner.
Ivanha (Liam Welch) confronting Prince Viscera (Matthew Ong).
Astrid (Margaret Wall) helping Shecky (Hayley Wigren), off the ground after fainting.
Queen Nina (Samantha Simons) and Corsicana (Ava Straccia) confronting Prince Viscera (Matthew Ong) and Medulla (Colin Wilbur) on their plan to take baby Ivanha from them.
Friar Fred (Miles Ahmed) convincing Ivanha (Liam Welch) to come back to the Abbey with him.
The cast and crew of "The Worst High School Play in the World" sit together on stage.

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