Understanding how literacy effects my content area, not just by reading books.
- Maps and globes
- Primary sources
- Movies
- Images
- Artwork
Also... being able to use technology to enhance their learning for our ever-changing technology filled world. Practice
Being able to interpret our world thoughtfully and clearly through all different forms of communication, including the ability to read, speak, listen, and understand endless forms of text such as: books, online sources, images, videos, people, and more.
I hope to continue my own definition of literacy as this course continues to truly be able to implement it into my future classroom.
Created with images by Dmitrij Paskevic - "Trinity College Dublin" • Yoshua Giri - "Praying Grandma" • Marc-Olivier Jodoin - "Space" • Kyle Glenn - "untitled image" • Nathan Dumlao - "untitled image"