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RE.BRAND RICH BRIAN Yerika Salas-Dominguez

Rich Brian

Indonesian Rapper


88rising Label

Music style is known to be ironic, comedic, gruff yet agile, and unique.

His personality can be seen through his album covers and lyrics.

Goal is to get his music to anyone and everyone.

Started with comedic music and now wants to come across more serious.

Is building awareness and a name for Asian creators to prove that they can make it.

A new look is needed and an album repackage is in store.

Target market are young adults based in the US that prefer the Hip Hop genre.



21 year old senior business major living in California.

Busy with not much time on their hands.

Relaxes by listening to music & attending music festivals.

Adventurous with his music & picks based off visuals & the genre of music.

Prefers to listen to Hip Hop, R&B or Rap.

Rich Brian's relatable lyrics & beats keep heads moving. His variety creates new fans that are waiting for more.

Competition would involve everyone under the same label, 88 Rising. The label was founded by Sean Miyashiro in 2015.

The is label primarily for Asian American and Asian artists who release music in the United States.

Making them Rich Brian's primary competition.

AOMG founded by Jay Park in 2013. Although they are based in South Korea the majority of artist have a large following in the US.

Rich Brian's primary adjective is to make a name for Asian and Asian American artists. He wants to accomplish this through his own performance and music that the audience takes seriously.

In his album repackages the design will be more professional as he wants, however keeping it true to his personality it'll be done involving retro collaged images of Rich Brian, so his image still comes across as cool.

Mood Board

Color Palette Direction

Professional Album Cover Inspiration

Typographic Direction

Amen - 2018 The Sailor - 2019 1999 - 2020

Created By
Yerika Salas-Dominguez