Nothing but Blank
This photo, when i look at it i just see blank. everything matches but something stands out. something is different. i love this photo because its not the things. something different.
this photo was supposed to be in a straight angle but it didn't look as good so i decided to make it leading lines
Making a Wish
this photo was one that i was unsure of at first. but now, this photo reminded me of myself because i always like to close my eyes and make a wish.
this was a photo that i took with my teacher for a fill the frame project. i was the first one to go.
field of view
This is a photo of a soccer ball. i was trying to fined things that had repetition in it and i came across this ball.
i took this photo because it had repetitional shapes on it.
Look of a Fake
when I see this photo i get a lot of mixed feelings. like, is this a depressing photo or is it someone being reborn? to me its both for there can be more then one meaning in a photo.
this was for a rules of thirds project. i used a mannequin model so that i could have more flexibility
this is a photo of an expo marker with short depth of field.
i thought of this when i was walking by a building and looking down at the cracks. it was hard to get it to stand but i eventually got it.
Honor and Glory
i chose this photo because when i look at it, it can mean many things. to me it seems like this type of photo that would be on an army poster or a photo in a catalog.
Me and my friend wanted to make cool action shots for photography class. we see a flag and thought it was a good idea to use it for a photo. i wanted something that looks still but cool and then this leading lines photo was born.
Going Dark
I chose this photo because it expresses what i like in one photo. when people look at this photo I expect replies like "that is a cool shot" or "wow that looks bad ass". i love photos that freeze an action shot.
It was a assessment i had to do with framing, i had to make something creative. i decided to use my action figure to make cool poses with. i went ahead and posed him in front of the frige and made him do a cool action shot.
Buckets Off
For me, this is a photo to remember a moment in time. there is no meaning to it. but it is a cool photo of a helmet.
this was taken at Disneyland while i was in tomorrow land.
this is a photo of my parter doing a JoJo pose from the trending anime "JoJo Bizarre Adventures"
We had chosen to do poses and we had a common interest in the JoJo poses
Look Inside
this is a framing photo of my friend James. i needed something for framing so i found James and I asked him if i can take a photo of him.
I used my phone to take this image that is why the quality is bad.