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Sola Esmeralda Estrada

Sola is a project about how I felt during the COVID-19 pandemic. Being inside my house with nothing to do and nowhere to go had me feeling like I was a bird locked in a cage.

Feeling isolated was the hardest part about this whole experience. I felt so empty being in a room with just myself and my thoughts.

Sometimes I had nothing to do for days so I laid in my bed.

The days I did get up, I had no physical contact other than my family and my cat. My days kind of mushed together.

Staring out my window is how I would spend my days and most nights. I didn’t sleep because I knew the next day would be the same.

I feel like I lost all my social skills and I didn’t contact any of my friends.

Once I was able to step out of this cage I had a hard time adjusting to society again. Making friends was way harder than it was before. When school opened up it was hard to mingle with the other students. It felt really weird to talk to someone face to face.

My scenery changed so fast. It went from being around friends and strangers I would see on my way from and to school, to being home all day waking up sitting at my computer most of the day then going back to bed.

So when I finally was able to talk with someone face to face, and not over computers, I really started to miss some things about being isolated.
