teaching Digital Citizenship: a necessity for our world today
September 1st, 2021
Have you thought about our students' reality in today's world? Did you realize students today have not known the world without the Internet? Our students, digital natives, often use or create accounts on social media without understanding the underlying effects of those accounts. In addition, they need to be taught how to find and use information appropriately. The skill of sifting through the overflowing flood of information for factual and useful bits is not intuitive. It has to be taught.
Unfortunately, this is also true of their parents/guardians. We sometimes forget our students' parents were at the very beginning of the social media craze. They too need guidance and information about life in the digital world.
OKCPS has chosen Common Sense Media as our Digital Citizenship Curriculum. The 2021-2022 school year is our year to recertify as a Common Sense Media District. Over the next few weeks, we will be working with individual schools to make a plan for site certification.
Common Sense Media provides lesson plans, slides, student activities as well as information for parents. We have also created grade-level Canvas Modules for you in the Canvas Commons to access and use with your students.
End of Year: 20-21
IMPORTANT: End of the Year Protocols for Infinite Campus and Canvas
The following guidelines are in alignment to the teacher contract language regarding fourth quarter grades:
Elementary Teachers:
Grade cards shall be completed and distributed on the last student day of the school year (May 26th). This means ALL grading activity must be completed in Canvas and finalized in Infinite Campus by the end of business on:
Thursday, May 25th, 11:59pm
Secondary Teachers:
At the conclusion of the fourth (4th) quarter, teachers shall be allowed one (1) day to complete grade cards. (Grades should be submitted on Record Day.) This means ALL grading activity must be completed in Canvas and finalized in Infinite Campus by the end of business on:
Thursday, May 27th, 11:59pm
If you are using Grade Passback in Canvas, you will need to manually sync to Infinite Campus using the following steps:
- Open your Canvas Gradebook
- Click Actions
- Click Sync to Gradepassback Service
After May 27th, teachers will be limited to read only access to system created courses in Canvas. Manually-created courses will not be affected. Grading will be closed in Infinite Campus.
If you are planning on working on your Canvas courses over the summer to get a jump start on next year, here are a few ideas on where to start:
Share to Commons: If you'd like to share your course content to Commons privately (Only Me), with others in the district, or with the public, you will need to do so before your course is concluded May 27th, 2021.
Create a "Sandbox" Course: Since you won't have your course shells for next year's classes until closer to the fall, you can create a new course to begin preparing.
Import From Commons: Import content from courses you have shared to Commons or resources shared by other educators into your new Sandbox Courses.
Copy Course Content From Past Course: You can import all of your course content from the previous year or select specific content from past courses to a sandbox where you can make any additions or edits to prepare for next year.
If you have any questions regarding Canvas course content, please contact Canvas Support, located in the Resources, Guides, and Help tab on the Canvas global navigation menu.
Questions regarding final grades in Infinite Campus, please contact Enterprise Services.
30 days of ipad
April 23, 2021
Welcome to April!! What a whirlwind this school year has been. We have made so many new changes to the technology within our district. It's inspiring to think about the technological growth we’ve experienced in a short amount of time. With the addition of the iPad in the PK-2nd grade classroom we’ve added a tool which can change the way students learn. Each student now has a device that allows them to create! In this month’s blog, the ETS team is going to explore some key features that allow the iPad to be a creation device as well as tips for using the Classroom app.
One of the best things about the iPad is how easily it allows for students to construct their own knowledge through projects which allow them to show their understanding. Apple has recently shared several 30 days of iPad to support teachers in using the iPad in the classroom. The 30 time saving tips for teachers is a great place to start if you’re not familiar with all the wonderful things the iPad can do to help you with your workflow. Apple has also released 30 days of creative activities for students and 30 more creative activities for students. Yep! There are two awesome documents that help by giving excellent ideas for students to get started creating with the iPad. Any of these activities can be easily incorporated into a classroom center or a small collaborative project.
Another great feature of the iPad is the Classroom App. Classroom is an app for teachers that is available and supported for the iPad. As a teacher, you can guide learning, share work, and manage supported student iPad devices. You can launch a specific app, website, or YouTube video in your class. You can also send to and receive documents from your students in class and share student work on a TV, monitor or projector using Apple TV or another AirPlay enabled device. Additionally, you can see which apps students are working in, view their screens, mute student devices, and more. For more information about how to set up the Classroom app with your students check out this Google Slide Deck and view this Video for teacher setup or this video for student steps on Classroom.
students are returning to the classrooms - Help parents stay connected
March 24, 2021
OKCPS students are headed back to the classrooms! While it's exciting to have students face to face again to observe them in hands-on learning, we need to ensure our parents remain connected to what's happening.
During this time, parents were unexpectedly thrown into the role of online classroom assistants and observers, and have become familiar with class activities and more involved in their child's learning.
Let's strive to maintain the momentum of parent involvement by making sure they stay connected to their students' in-classroom endeavors. The links below will give you information about how you can invite parents to become connected with their student's Canvas and Seesaw accounts if they have not already done so.
Remember: English and Spanish instructions are available in Canvas Corner!
January 25th, 2021
Happy New Year from ETS! We are ready to welcome a new year of excitement and innovation. If there is one inspiring tool within Canvas which can bring out the best of remote teaching, it’s definitely Canvas Studio. According to Canvas, Studio's interface lets students and instructors engage with media content by commenting directly on the media timeline. Students can learn from each other's insights as well as from the instructor's direction and feedback. Studio integrates with Canvas for a seamless learning experience. Studio media can be embedded in the Rich Content Editor, which is available in multiple feature areas including Assignments, Discussions, and Pages. Learn more about Canvas Studio by visiting their website at this link: click here.
One of the most amazing features of Canvas Studio is Canvas Studio Quizzes. Yes, you read it right! You can create a quiz while using a video recorded or uploaded into your Canvas Studio! To learn more about Canvas Studio Quiz: click here. Not sure how to access Studio? This helpful screencast will show you how to get started: click here.
Don't forget to visit Canvas Training Services Portal to view even more Canvas Studio Training and receive your badge to show off your learning! click here!
Have a wonderful, creative and innovative year!
Canvas Course Maintenance :End of Term checklist
December 7, 2020
Whew... it's almost that time of year where you can take a breath and wind down! This first semester has been a whirlwind for us all, but we applaud your tenacity and ability to be flexible as we rolled out our new Learning Management System (LMS) this school year.
Our team has developed Canvas End of Term Checklists to assist you with seamlessly transitioning into the second semester. The checklists provide step by step directions (both images and video) explaining how to complete each task. If you complete the steps listed, you will find yourself readily prepared to retrieve student grades and your course content from the first semester, if needed. Every teacher should complete their designated checklist after their grades have been finalized for the first semester (2nd quarter), prior to January 6th.
I have linked two checklists below. The first checklist is for PK-8 teachers who are using the same Canvas course for the full school year. The second checklist is for 6th-12th teachers who teach semester courses and will be switching over to a semester 2 (S2) Canvas course in January.
Marking Time
We are already in the fourth week of school (really?) and many of you have grades and marks lining up in your Canvas Gradebook. The Canvas Gradebook is a powerful tool and can make your teaching life a lot easier if you understand just three key points:
- How to turn on the SIS (Infinite Campus) sync from Canvas.
- How to set up your assignments to correctly sync with IC.
- How to use the Speedgrader and communication features within the Canvas Gradebook.
We have created a gradebook guide for all secondary OKCPS teachers which will walk you step by step through your set up processes. You can access the guide at the button below!
To learn about the Speedgrader and communication features, you can access a great video library of resources in the Canvas Learning Library. Click the button below to view how to find these videos in your Canvas account.
Welcome Back!
We are excited to start a new year! 20-21 is going to be a year unlike any other, and the Educational Technology Services department is here to support you.
Canvas is a big topic on everyone’s mind and there are a wealth of resources available. The first place teachers and students should go for help is the Resources, Guides, and Help Section.
We enjoyed seeing teachers over the summer at our PD sessions! If you want to review any of our Canvas trainings, they can be found here:
ETS maintains a YouTube channel and a link to the Canvas playlist can be found here:
Having problems with Canvas? Fill out a Canvas help ticket for immediate assistance.
June 17th, 2020
The Educational Technology Services department is proud to include in this year’s Summer Institute a MULTI-DAY, immersive online experience to prepare educators for the Google Level 1 Certification! During completion of the hands-on challenges, participants will create products that simulate relevant work they will be able to use in their roles as educators. This course is designed for educators who are proficient in the G Suite tools and who want to achieve Level 1 Certification. At the completion of this 12 hour course, participants will receive a voucher for the Google Level 1 Certification Exam, which is required to attain official certification.
This opportunity is available to OKCPS employees ONLY! Seats are limited, so if you are interested in joining this MULTI-DAY bootcamp, sign up on Frontline (My Learning Plan) today!
Questions? Contact a member of the ETS Team!
Wrapping up the year with ETS!
As the school year closes, we are finishing our final week of distance learning. Teachers rose to the task of connecting with students and delivering content virtually!
Over the past six weeks, the Educational Technology Services Department hosted 25 professional learning sessions and had over 600 participants! Google Classroom, Flipgrid, Google Forms, Edpuzzle and Hangouts were covered in these hour-long virtual sessions, along with general Q/A sessions. Teachers had a chance to meet virtually with their ETS representatives and learn new tools and techniques for delivering instruction virtually.
Miss a session or would like a review? All sessions were recorded and the videos and materials can be found here!
Continuous Learning in the Summer
In addition to the learning opportunities being offered by OKCPS this summer, now might be a good time to consider getting Google Level 1 or Level 2 Educator Certification. Google has many great resources that can prepare you for your exam. The Google Learning Center has many articles and videos to prepare teachers to get Google certified and is the best place to start when assistance is needed with all things Google.
Additional Resources
The ETS Website is a great place to start for teachers looking to be more innovative in their practice. All resources are vetted by the ETS team and are free unless otherwise noted.
Hoonuit is a professional learning platform providing a library of more than 100,000 hours of content on a wide variety of education-related topics. All courses are self-paced and count as professional development. Click Here to see how to login!
Looking towards the future
The Educational Technology Services team is here to support you as we navigate whatever the future holds. If you need assistance, reach out to your ETS representative. If you need someone other than ETS and are not sure who to contact, Click Here.
Continuous Instruction (2020)
april 6, 2020
As you prepare to deliver instruction and check in on your students, the Educational Technology Services Department (ETS) is here to provide support. We have created a web page entitled "Continuous Instruction 2020" and this page contains various digital resources that will allow for collaboration with your students and parents. We understand that many of students do not have access to technology and devices, but this may be the perfect time for you to become acquainted with the tools and integrate them in your classroom for next school year.
Our team held 12 webinars last week and the response was so overwhelming we are continuing to host more this week. We will be offering sessions over Google Hangouts Meet, Zoom and Google Classroom. You can sign up on these sessions on the Continuous Instruction 2020 page and check out our calendar to stay up to date on upcoming sessions.
Please contact your ETS Representative if you have any further questions. We are ready to offer assistance!
February 27th is Digital Learning Day!
Coming up on February 27 is Digital Learning Day (DLDay)! On this day, you will see how innovative teachers nationwide inspire incredible creativity in their students. Whether students are exploring 3D modeling, mastering coding, or leveraging digital tools to deepen their learning; innovation shines on DLDay! We know many OKCPS teachers and students are innovating in every classroom, every day!
That’s why for DLDay 2020, if your classroom is a place of innovation, share your story using #DLDay for a chance to be featured on the national DLDay 2020 platform!
Is Your DLDay Event on the Map?
We are sharing school districts across the United States which are transforming teaching and learning by incorporating digital learning in every classroom, every day.
For example, students in grades 6–8 at Charles R. Drew Middle School in Alabama will collaborate to produce and direct their very own short films. Meanwhile, at Wurtland Middle School in Kentucky, eighth-graders will spend DLDay weaving between interactive lessons, activities, and games. Seventh-grade students at Caribou Middle School in Maine will learn HTML and CSS to build multi page personal websites.
Add your DLDay event to the poster map linked below and then share it with us by tagging @OKCPSETS AND @OfficialDLDay in your tweets and #OKCPSETS AND @DigitalLearningDay in your Workplace posts. Don’t forget to use #DLDay!
January 10, 2020
As part of our compliance with Federal Regulations, OKCPS has challenged every school site to become Common Sense Certified to obtain District certification. We need 75% of our schools to become certified, can we count on you?
Richard Culatta, ISTE CEO
Congratulations to these schools that have completed certification!
Cleveland Elementary School
Southeast Middle School
Webster Middle School
Wheeler Middle School
Mary Golda Ross Middle School
Emerson North High School
Douglass High School
U.S. Grant High School
NW Classen High School
Make sure you notify your ets representative when your school has completed certification by filling out the form linked below
If you need help or have questions about certification, please contact your ETS representative. We're here to help!
digital citizenship lesson resources
December 2, 2019
Celebrate Computer Science Education Week With Hour of Code (Dec. 9th-15th)
Our team is encouraging you to participate in Computer Science Education Week (December 9-15, 2019) by signing your school up for the Hour of Code Challenge. Hour of Code is a one-hour coding challenge that introduces students to computer science.
Computing occupations are one of the fastest-growing industries in the United States and we believe that our students should have an opportunity to be content creators and problem solvers to help prepare them for their future careers. Participating in the Hour of Code challenge could be their first step.
Hour of Code offers progressional courses for elementary, middle, and high school students. Each course provides lesson plans, plugged and unplugged activities, and are aligned to the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) standards. Teachers also have the option to join the teacher community forum to network with teachers from all over the globe.
Dell EMC in southwest Oklahoma City has partnered with Oklahoma City Public Schools (OKCPS) to assist with exposing our students to coding and other technology related careers. On November 20, five OKCPS elementary schools (Van Buren, Thelma Parks, Arthur, Adams, and Esperanza) visited Dell EMC and participated in an Hour of Code challenge. Several Dell employees and OKCPS educators attended and supported our students as they completed the challenge. Dell employees shared their career journeys to the tech industry and answered several of the students’ questions. The students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were provided an opportunity to gain insight into the world of computer science.
Exposure and opportunity are key, and we highly encourage your school to participate in the Hour of Code Challenge (December 9th-15th) and further student’s learning throughout the year using the provided coursework.
Share your coding stories through Twitter & Workplace
November 21, 2019
Sharing your creative ideas and resources with Wakelet!
This month we will explore an amazing free tool you can use in your school. Wakelet can provide you with an innovative way to stay informed on what’s happening in your building or classroom.
Why is it called Wakelet?
According to their website, Wakelet is named after the trails or 'wakes' created by planes and boats. The wake shows the journey and story behind you. When you browse the web and organize content in a collection, then you create a wake!
What is Wakelet?
Wakelet is a free platform which allows you to create and organize content to save and share. You can save videos, articles, images, Tweets, links or even add your own text. Organize your saved items into stunning collections. Keep your collections private or share them with the world.
Impressive Features
Aside from the regular method of pasting in a link, or saving via iOS or Android apps for Wakelet or browser extension, you can also connect your Twitter account to import tweets in bulk. Time saver! Are you a Flipgrid lover? Wakelet has teamed up with Flipgrid to ensure when you add a link to a Flipgrid video, it is embedded and will play straight from Wakelet. To take advantage of this feature just copy & paste the “Share with families” link of any Flipgrid response from the grid admin.
Want to add a video to a collection? It’s super simple since Wakelet and Screencastify are fully integrated. As you see, the options for the use of Wakelet are unlimited. From app smashing to creative writing and publishing, it’s your choice!
For more help in using Wakelet go here: Wakelet Help Center.
Technology is Here to Stay
It goes without saying that mobile devices, in general, have proven their staying power within education. School districts are investing heavily in technology, and one device per student or 1:1 is becoming more common. As teachers adjust their practice to address the demands of a modern classroom, many speculate as to how the role of the teacher will change in the coming years.
Teachers Cannot be Replaced by Technology
Despite the changes in education with regard to technology, teachers cannot be replaced by computers. Teachers can, however, leverage the use of technology in their classrooms to maximize student engagement and outcomes.
Students Should not be on Devices Bell to Bell
While technology is a great tool, it cannot replace good teaching. Students should not be glued to screens all day. Passive screen time should be avoided and placing students on programs without context or purpose does little to prepare them for the future. Balancing screen time and traditional instruction is the best method for the modern classroom.
Use technology to your advantage!
By using available assessment data, technology allows teachers to be more specific and strategic with their time and provide materials to individual students at a level of rigor that best meets their needs. Utilizing tools like Google Docs allows teachers to give real-time feedback and answer student questions immediately.
Teachers facilitate learning by teaching content knowledge through whole group instruction, small group sessions, and one-on-one time. Teachers also empower students to set goals and self-direct some of their learning, which builds skills that help students thrive throughout their lives.
OCTOBER 11TH, 2019
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 15% of U. S. high school students reported being bullied electronically last year. Reports of cyberbullying among public school students are highest for middle school (33%), followed by high school (30%), combined schools (20%) and primary schools (5%). Before we can begin to make headway or even discuss cyberbullying, digital drama, and hate speech, we must be clear about the definitions and differences of all three categories. These types of language have important differences, but they also overlap. Exploring these differences with students and families can make a larger impact on combating negative interactions online.
To begin, let’s look at cyberbullying. The simplest definition is using the Internet or cell phone to upset someone on purpose, frequently, and repeatedly. Cyberbullying targets an individual with the goal of doing harm. It is the most often used term to encompass all harmful digital interaction, but cyberbullying is particularly toxic and dangerous. It has been a major buzzword for several years leading to changes in school handbooks and discipline procedures, but the work seems never-ending in teaching our students and families about the danger. To learn more about this topic, check out this Common Sense Media Cyberbullying Video Tutorial.
Digital drama often brews in the offline world and carries over online where kids often feel “disinhibited” to say or do things that they wouldn’t face-to-face. In the classroom, we can make an impact on this type of drama by starting real conversations with students as young as first grade to pause and think before sending messages online. For more on digital drama, check out Common Sense Media’s Digital Drama Curriculum.
Hate speech is defined by Merriam-Webster as speech expressing hatred of a particular group of people. It is a topic clouded by the right to free speech and is often hotly debated as you can hear in this NPR interview. However you view it, hate speech is vile and the sooner we educate our students and families, the better. Start here to find great videos, family engagement resources, and lessons for all ages: Common Sense Media - Hate Speech Curriculum.
The only way we will ever combat cyberbullying, digital drama and hate speech is by looking closely at ourselves and what we teach others through our own actions and words online. As the saying goes, when you know better you do better, and we must do better.
OCTOBER 10TH, 2019
Relationships & Communication
As the line between online and offline continues to blur, students should reflect on how they can use intrapersonal and interpersonal skills to build and strengthen positive online communication and communities. They should explore common digital stressors and their influence on relationships. Students should also understand how to communicate effectively online, including how and why some topics and conversations best lend themselves to certain mediums.
The term "online predator" often conjures up the image of a creepy old man at a computer screen waiting to lure an unsuspecting child. The media reinforces this depiction, which is problematic because it does not fit with the kinds of risky relationships that are more common for kids and teens. In reality, when online sexual solicitation does occur, it's more likely to be between two teens or between a teen and a young adult. Students will need support to have clarity on this misconception and with distinguishing myth from reality when it comes to online sexual solicitation.
Another important aspect of online relationships are boundaries. Through real-life scenarios and first-person testimonials, students should have opportunities to practice setting boundaries they are comfortable with. From sexting, to grooming, to controlling, students learn about the potentially unhealthy behaviors that can result from online relationships. We need to equip our students with the right tools to stay safe and promote healthy online relationships.
Common Sense Media has done an amazing job discussing all of these major points under the heading Relationship & Communication. Consider taking the time today to teach a lesson associated with this topic. Discuss with your students the issues, the positives, and the negatives of online relationships. Engage students in a discussion about how they can use technology to build relationships in a positive way.
Our team encourages you to explore additional Social & Emotional Tools while discussing online relationships and communication. You will find recent articles on SEL, discussion guides, and great resources for families to keep them engaged in the digital citizenship/responsibility education of their children.
October 9th, 2019
Digital Footprint and Identity
Everything a person does online leaves a digital footprint that contributes to their online identity. It is not possible to use the Internet without leaving something behind. Most information contributing to your digital footprint is fairly harmless. Emails, comments on social media, app use, and purchase history are all contributors. Digital footprints are often stored in databases and can potentially be accessed by current or future employers as well as marketers and scammers.
Be aware of the consequences
When asked, most students will say they know the difference between what they should and shouldn’t post online. Adults, in general, will say they would not put something in writing that could potentially harm them online. If everyone seems to know the difference, then why is the news littered with stories of careers being ruined by things posted online? Everyone needs to be aware of and effectively manage their digital footprint.
Managing your Digital Footprint and Identity
Google Yourself: It's not a bad plan to Google yourself and see what pulls up. It can be surprising to learn how much of your private information is easily available.
For Students: Oversharing and Your Digital Footprint
Protect your Information: Don’t readily disclose your personal data online. Consider using a nickname instead of your real name, and only shop at reputable online stores.
Think Before You Post: Limit your risks when posting status updates and pictures. It's hard to really know who is going to find those long lost tweets or photos. Don’t let a temporary emotion cost you in the long run.
For Students: Who are You on Social Media?
The Internet is permanent! Make no mistake about it, if it is out there, it can be found. Anything you post online can be tracked down again and brought back in some form or another- even if it has been deleted!
Additional Resources:
Common Sense Media: Digital Footprint
October 8, 2019
During the 1980's the phrase "stranger danger" was used to alert children of the risks posed by people they did not know. Strategies were given to children to keep themselves safe if they ever physically encountered someone who posed a threat.
Fast forward to 2019, our students are now one click away from interacting with strangers all over the globe. They don’t have to leave their homes to fall prey to the manipulation of someone who wants to cause them harm. Students now need to learn strategies on how to protect themselves not only physically but virtually as well
Common Sense Media has created lessons under the heading Privacy and Security that you can use to facilitate this discussion in your classroom. The lessons give students a better understanding of data privacy while teaching them the importance of protecting their personal information. Common Sense Media has done a great job with designing grade level appropriate lessons that build upon one another as students grow in maturity and understanding.
Our team is encouraging you to start this discussion with your students and send the Common Sense parent resources home so the conversation can go beyond the school building. The goal is for our students to become advocates for themselves and others so they can avoid falling victim to virtual strangers and stay safe online.
Some of us remember how exciting it was when personal computers first became available. At the very least, the thought of being able to use a word processor instead of a typewriter was wonderful! It didn't matter that you also had to have a dot matrix printer, figure out how to connect it, line up the paper and hope for the best. These new devices allowed people at home to create designs, write programs, and begin exploring the world of computers. The inventors of this "cutting edge" technology probably never imagined we would hold one of these devices in the palm of our hands.
Then came the internet. Today, we live in a world overflowing with digital media and technology. We can stay in touch with those far from us, learn about ancient cultures, attend college without ever stepping foot on campus, design, create, collaborate, and share.
All of us, adults and kids, have constant access to real-time information from around the globe. How then, in this constantly connected world, do we become so disconnected with what is right around us? Do the benefits of being ever-connected also come with risks to our mental health? It's an important question to ask, especially for our kids.
The research is still out when it comes to exactly how screen time affects our health. But one area where we know it does is our sleep. Just having a device near us seems to change the way our brains work. Help students learn that being responsible with digital media means adjusting how we use it so it isn't unhealthy for our bodies or our brains.
Common Sense Media Lessons strive to help students create a personalized plan for healthy media use. The age-appropriate lessons address this important topic by introducing students to ways that will help them analyze their use such as:
- Creating a personal inventory of their media choices to help create personal guidelines
- Reflect on their social media use and the feelings it creates (both positive and negative) then identify action steps to increase positive feelings
- Track and reflect upon their personal screen time and answer the question - Are we addicted to our devices?
- How is screen time affecting me? Could my device be affecting my health, sleep, and brain function?
Are you ready to discuss Media Balance & Well-Being with your students? This link will direct you to some quick activities to help you address this important topic.
October 1, 2019
Digital Citizenship in OKCPS
Our students need digital citizenship skills to participate fully in their communities and make smart choices online and in life. By using Common Sense Media’s award-winning K–12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum, OKCPS will:
- Address top concerns of schools.
- Prepare students with critical 21st-century skills.
- Support educators with training and recognition.
- Engage the whole community through family outreach activities
- Fulfill guidelines and expectations of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and E-rate.
OKCPS will pursue Common Sense Media's District-level Certification
To achieve district certification, 75% of OKCPS school sites must receive school-level certification. Our goal is for ALL sites to receive certification, with all classroom educators receiving the educator-level certification.
Prepare For Digital Citizenship Week in OKCPS October 7-11, 2019
The term “future ready skill” has been tossed around in education news for the past decade, but most of us don’t think of what that really means. What exactly IS a future ready skill? Well, I can think of one that is pretty important - keyboarding.
Consider this: Tablets and screens are used by most of society on a daily basis and in education tablets have become a popular tool for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students. But what happens when they reach the upper grades? They are expected to log themselves in and take assessments on a desktop or Chromebook and, you guessed it, the students use the hunt and peck method. The students become frustrated and flustered at the same time they are supposed to be focused and sure on an assessment or an assignment. Keyboarding is truly a future ready skill and it is essential we plan to teach this skill well and early.
Ironically, in the 70s the keyboarding class, or typing class as it was called then, used to be a required subject taught in junior high or high school. Today, most schools do not even offer the class and when they do, it is only as an elective and junior high is much too late. Our young students, as young as third grade, are required to type proficiently but often do so without any formal instruction. This can be remedied if our young students are introduced to apps such as Typing.com that make learning how to type accurately fun and interactive. These apps can be used in every class to enhance learning and provide meaningful transition activities for students. Let’s look at a few ways keyboarding can make a difference.
Students will often benefit from studying keyboarding while also learning how to read. In Typing.com the text to speech tool can allow students to hear a word spoken, see the word on the screen, and then type it. It also reinforces common vocabulary knowledge and spelling through the repetitive motions of the typing lessons.
In later grades, student assignments are often longer and the work is required to be typed. If the student can type fluently the ideas will flow better and mistakes can be corrected and edited far easier. The faster and more accurately a student can type the more they can focus on the quality of their responses and work.
Today everyone uses a computer whether we are typing from the car, hotel, or the office. We are expected to send emails, write reports, and complete a long list of online tasks without the aid of a personal secretary to do it for us. When it comes to creating professional documents that are edited and correctly spaced, it is almost always best to use a desktop or laptop.
Keyboarding is a skill that makes us look professional and produces professional work.
As stated above, there are a lot of typing apps out there but here in OKCPS we love the Typing.com app! Using the app is easy as ever for our teachers because it can be found on the Clever portal. Teachers don’t have to do a thing except lead the students to the app and watch the magic happen! We highly encourage every teacher to use the app in some way for a little bit every week or even every day. Typing.com has a tool where teachers can create their own lessons and tests (think vocabulary definitions and spelling words) and the platform can be converted to Spanish as well.
Every school with students in grades 3rd through 6th could also enter our OKCPS Key Bee! The keyboarding bee is great fun and students who qualify for the district bee will receive prizes and the top prize winners will get beautiful trophies and other gifts as well! Check out our site and let’s get our OKCPS students future ready!
AUGUST 22nd, 2019:
Beginning of the year Mobile Device Procedures
As we begin the new year, it will be helpful to review Mobile Device procedures and expectations for student use. Many sites are approaching one cart per classroom, and teachers should have a plan in place before any students log into a Chromebook.
Before students ever sign the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), teachers must have procedures in place to assure that all mobile devices are retrieved, put away, logged out, and charged after every use. The FOCUS website has everything a teacher would need to begin the year right with mobile devices.
Students have easy access to the internet in school and at home, but often make poor choices online in regards to password safety, online etiquette, etc. Common Sense Media offers free lessons and materials for both students and teachers.
*It is highly recommended that all teachers get Common Sense Media Certified.
Chromebooks will automatically update when they are shut down completely and restarted. If a Chromebook is more than three updates behind, it will need to be manually updated. Here is a link to an illustrated guide on how to manually update a Chromebook. A Chromebook will still go online without updating, but will eventually lose functionality.
*It is best practice to have students shut down their Chromebooks at least every Friday.
When mobile devices stop working, it is imperative that teachers submit a help ticket and get the issue resolved as soon as possible. The district purchases a warranty on all devices and it is imperative that all nonworking devices are reported so that a replacement can be issued if the warranty is current.
*Teachers should submit a help ticket or call 587-HELP immediately when devices stop working, not cumulatively at the end of the year.
August 12th, 2019:
Welcome Back!
The Educational Technology Services (ETS) team is EXCITED to welcome back all of OKCPS for the 2019-2020 school year! We are here to help facilitate meaningful and mindful technology integration and help you transform your classroom into a safe and engaging learning environment!
As you work towards your instructional goals for this year, here are a few resources we have developed for you:
Digital Responsibility: FOCUS - a resource site filled with ideas and resources to help you and your students create a safe learning environment using technology. ETS HIGHLY recommends this as your starting point when introducing technology into the classroom.
ETS Teacher Resource Site - provides helpful resources, integration ideas, and more with G-Suite tools and other innovative tech tools.
Hoonuit - offers short video tutorials on a wide range of topics from G-Suite tools to classroom management. The icon is found on your desktop as "Hoonuit”.
OKCPS Foundational Digital Skills - a set of competencies aligned to the expectations of the Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS) for Computer Science, working to guide development of technology skills among K-12 students, by grade level bands, assisting all educators to re-engineer and reimagine the educational environment for digital age learning.
We hope you have a wonderful year! Remember ETS is here to help! #ReadySetLearn
OUr new blog!
The Educational Technology Services (ETS) Department appreciates your continued support for developing your instructional practices and have decided to begin using a much more engaging tool, Adobe Spark, as our blog platform.
You will always be able to refer back to our previous blog posts by going to http://okcpsets.blogspot.com/
Our team is committed to providing all educators relevant tools for the classroom and a place to showcase the great work happening every day in OKCPS!
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