Principal's Message
Kia Ora Koutou Whanau
The Christchurch situation has been a timely reminder of the need to be vigilant around protocols.
There is in-depth information on the vaccination order, which should cover the breadth of questions that have been asked since the mandate was announced.
The advice provided reflects the vaccination order as it currently stands, and it has involved consultation with the unions representing teachers, principals and support staff when developing it.
It is appreciated that there may be a small number of cases where adjustments may be required. I will forward feedback to the Ministry as there is the opportunity before 16 November to further update guidance.
In my message:
1. Clarification: Face Coverings in school. (Staff and Community)
2. Promoting respect for all ākonga regardless of vaccination status. (Staff and Community)
3. What your children are asking us
4. Friends of St Matthew’s Kitchen Tour
1. Clarification: face coverings in school
To clarify:
• Under the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Alert Level Requirements) Health Order, it’s a legal requirement that all students in Years 9-13 wear a face covering in an Alert Level 3 area when they are inside at school unless they have an exemption.
• Face coverings are not required to be worn when outside. However, as is the case for all New Zealanders, face coverings continue to be strongly recommended, especially when not able to physically distance from people you don’t know.
2. Promoting respect for all ākonga regardless of vaccination status
We are aware of concerns that some ākonga may be subjected to hurtful negative comments by others due to their vaccination status.
The impacts of COVID-19 are far reaching for ākonga and their whānau. Promoting and facilitating kindness and safe and respectful connections, regardless of vaccination status is essential to support ākonga wellbeing.
To me this is a no brainer situation. We have as one of our Values, INCLUSIVENESS. We have another Value COMPASSION- we need to live these out.
3.What your children are asking us
I mentioned earlier that there is in-depth information on the vaccination order, which should cover the breadth of questions that have been asked since the mandate was announced.
Some of your children are asking us about the vaccination itself. Is it safe? Should we have the vaccination?
Making you aware will help for you to have those conversations.
Have a safe weekend
Ngā Mihi
Intercollegiate Speech Competition
Congratulations to Milly Fletcher in Year 9 who was runner-up in the Year 9 Intercollegiate Speech Competition. This was held virtually this year. Milly's topic was 'How Dogs Can Impact Our Mental Health'.
Spirit of New Zealand
At the end of last term Ocean Bartlett (Year 13) was given a berth on the Spirit of New Zealand. Here she met with other young people from around the country to learn new skills and forge new friendships. Below is her report:
Voyage 825 of Spirit of adventure was a highlight for me this year. I thoroughly enjoyed getting away from reality and immersing myself in a new environment.
The experience taught me a lot about myself and to make the most of opportunities that arise. Our 10 days were spent sailing around the Coromandel Peninsula and anchoring at different bays. There were 30 of us, a slightly smaller voyage due to COVID-19. We started every morning with a 6:30am swim which gave me a big shock and woke me up for the day. We did activities in our watch groups such as rafting, sailing, beach cleans and rigging the mast. Our watch groups all took part in night watch in which you are responsible for the safety of the ship, the passengers and crew during the night. We wrapped up our voyage by swimming with dolphins!!! I have come away with lifelong friends and memories. Definitely recommend it to anyone who is considering it.
Ocean Bartlett Year 13
Lower Classroom Block
At the moment Rooms 9, 10, and 11 are undergoing earthquake strengthening and refurbishment. This includes a sliding door between rooms 10 and 11. This half of the project is due to be completed at the end of the year, with work starting on Rooms, 12 and the Computer Suite soon after. Yes the yellow paint is going!
Our Hall facade has also had a upgrade (feature photo), being painted the same colour as the school.
House Sport Competition
Mindfulness - Jase Te Patu
On Friday afternoon the Years 10/11 had the opportunity to hear Jase Te Patu and his trainer Kate Williams. They talked to the girls about being in the 'present', accepting emotions as guests and dealing with them. They gave the girls some tools to help them practice mindfulness. If your daughter was at this session, please ask her what she got out of it.
Board Of Trustees Student Representation Election
The Board would like to thank all four candidates for putting themselves forward for the BOT Student Rep election. This has been the largest number of candidates we have had for a number of years which was very pleasing to see. We would like to announce that the successful candidate was Samantha Plimmer.
School Notices
Teacher Only Day
There is a teacher only day on Friday 26 November.
School Photos
These will take place on Thursday 4 November from 12pm. Please click on the link below for the timetable. Due to the large number of photos needing to be taken, these will run after school as well. Please see the links below for the timetables.
Winter Uniform 2022
Orders for winter uniform must be received by the 20th of November. Senior Skirts @$164.00 therefore need to be tried on and ordered before then. Please also place orders for any other winter uniform that you might require. Year 13s please order extra white L/S blouses. There is no commitment to buy ordered uniform, but it means that the correct sizes will be in stock if there is no good 2nd hand available. Winter uniform orders should arrive by the end of March, payment can be made on collection or beforehand by Internet banking.
Uniform Shop opening hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 3pm – 4pm during term time, or at other times by appointment. Please contact Juliet with any enquiries and orders:
The uniform shop will NOT be open on Thursday 11th November.
Study Skills Seminar
Patrick Sherratt, from Innervate Education, has been facilitating a study skills seminar in secondary schools across the country called Passing Exams.
Due to Lock Down restrictions, Patrick has been unable to present the seminar in person. He has condensed all his seminar content into an on-line video programme – ten units each with a PDF document download.
The programme presents a 5-step “how to study” approach – everything your teen needs to help them improve their preparation and ultimately results.
Within these steps, Patrick also presents solutions to common challenges they may experience in the lead-up to their exams. Within the programme are suggestions for:
• how to improve motivation,
• reduce distractions,
• improve memory retention
• and reduce exam nerves.
To get an overview of the programme, including the first unit, simply visit:
We hope this programme will be a useful resource as we move towards our end-of-year exams.
End of Year Dates
Final Assembly for whole school, Thursday 11 November 2pm (normal school day). Please note the change from Wednesday 10th November.
Last day for Years 11-13 (Study Leave), Friday 12 November. Senior College Prizegiving will take place that night at 7pm in the Rathkeale College Auditorium.
SMS Prizegiving, Saturday 20th November, 9am in the Rathkeale Auditorium. Leavers' Service and breakfast before this. Time to be confirmed.
Last day for Years 7-10, Friday 3 December, Junior Carol Service
Year 13 Leavers' Ball - Wednesday 15 December
Year 11 Business Venture
Coming Up on the Calendar.......
Term Four Week Three
Monday 1 November - Whanau Time, Junior Choir, Senior College DGEs continue
Tuesday 2 November - Year 11 Chapel, Senior College DGEs continue
Wednesday 3 November - Orchestra, Senior College DGEs continue (last day)
Thursday 4 November - Year 7/8 Chapel, Sport and Cultural Photos, Viva Break-up
Friday 5 November - Senior College Melbourne Cup Day, Jazz Band, Whanau time
Term Four - Week Four
Monday 8 November - Whanau Time, Junior Choir
Tuesday 9 November - Senior Chapel
Wednesday 10 November - Orchestra
Thursday 11 November - Year 10 Chapel, Librarians Morning Tea, Final Assembly, Boarders' Christmas Dinner
Friday 12 November - Year 10 Career Taster Day (UCOL) TBC, Last Day for Seniors, Jazz Band, Senior College Prizegiving
Community News
Year 10 Connecting Years
Friends of St Matthew's
Emma Wright Speaking Event