The Sui Dynasty Analogy by evan hubbard

The Sui Dynasty was a dynasty that ran for around 40 years, and although that is pathetic in terms of how some dynasties went on for hundreds of years, that still didn't mean the Sui Dynasty didn't do anything that changed or improved on China.

Economical + Social Power

The Sui Dynasty's dominant religion was Buddhism, and it didn't take long for this religion to spread all over China. In fact, it got to the point where it was the main religion in China-- However, this didn't really play as much importance to China as it did the Sui Dynasty's economical strategies. China was doing great in terms of economy at the time, so what Emperor Yang decided to do was to make the Grand Canal.

The Grand Canal was an expansion of China that connected the Yellow and the Yangtze Rivers together. This powered China's economical power because it made transport easier for people who wanted to trade with others. This also benefited China itself because it was one of the reasons China was unified. This played more importance than Buddhism because it actually had something to do with China and how it expanded and ruled the way it did. This can also connect to China's social structure, as with the Grand Canal's expansion, this made China open up to a lot of people who were interested in trade. However, that isn't to say Buddhism is without its points...

Buddhism + Intellectual Power

Buddhism was a religion that followed "the true way to happiness". It was a religion where nothing had to be done bad and the people had to follow the path of a good and honorable life. Although this wasn't as important as China's economical expansion, this still plays a good role in China's way of lifestyle because at the time, you'd usually see countries who'd want, or are ridden with war (take Rome, or Ancient Sparta for example). With this way of life, it managed to reduce the chance of any kind of war, drama or bloodshed that possibly could've happened in China. This connects to China's intellectual power because with Buddhism, they were smart enough to not fall into a pit of violence and despair.

Political Power

The Sui Dynasty didn't really excel in political power as much as the other topics. The only thing it did politically was during the beginning of the Dynasty, where Wendi revised the laws of Ancient China. He changed the laws so that way they were less stressful to follow, because it seems that the war that was caused in China during this time was because of the imperfect laws. This is ranked around the same height as Buddhism because, just like Buddhism, the Sui Dynasty was able to reduce war and chaos in China.


When Buddhism started becoming popular throughout China, people were requesting architectures/monuments and other forms of art, which promoted China and the religion itself. This made China itself be more unique than other countries at the time because no other countries were really concerned about statues and polishing their country more. This is ranked higher than Political Power, although slightly around the Buddhism rank because this was one of the things that made China unique from all other countries (as explained earlier), and it was also the thing that shaped China for centuries to come.


Epic World History, July 2013


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