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Digital learning for Olympic Hills Educators 2020-21

SPS Digital Learning Courses Through Schoology

You may have to log into Staff Portal using your district username/email address to access the Digital Learning Modules below.

Microsoft Education Center

This is another great web site to earn tech hours. You should be able to sign in using your SPS username/email and password. You can use these courses to count towards your tech hours too.

Making a Schoology Course

Videos from SeattleSchools Webiste and Schoology Help Center

Possible Technology for Olympic Hills

  1. Green Screen - It is a means for students to create a video featuring themselves with a video or moving background of their choice. Great for creative research projects. Need to have an ipad like device and a paid account.
  2. Seesaw - Is a great free digital resource that younger students can easily use to do research and show their learning. Teachers have to make their own class accounts and need Ipad like device to make it work well.

32 Hour Digital Tech Pay

Certificated Employees Attestation Form To Receive a Maximum of 32 Hours Supplemental Pay for Education Technology Professional Learning

Instructions for Submitting 32 tech clock hours

Please do let me know if you find other resources that would be helpful to include in here. I hope I did not leave you overwhelmed. I was trying to include all your educational digital tech related resources in one place. Please feel free to make a link of this website to have easy access to all these things quickly.

I am happy to help you in any way you need. I am here for you! Nuzhat


Created with images by Unknown - "Free photo Web Technology System Digital Digitization ..." • Daria Nepriakhina - "Lean Startup workshop" • Unknown - "Free vector graphic: Office, Windows, Word, Excel - Free ..." • Unknown - "Education" • Element5 Digital - "untitled image" • steveriot1 - "ipad school child" • Helena Lopes - "Saturday. Summer. Beautiful sunny day, so my friends and I decided to make a picnic and watch the sundown. Pretty fun and relaxed day." • Jo Szczepanska - "untitled image" • ArtsyBee - "school learning graphic" • FunkyFocus - "manipulation smartphone gleise run" • Kelly Sikkema - "untitled image" • Matheus Frade - "Carnaval Party"
