NO STARS an exhibition of Twin Peaks themed works for the benefit of The Phillip C. DeMars Foundation, October 9 - 16 2019, at The Living Gallery Outpost in New York City. The exhibition is a collaboration with vocalist Rebekah Del Rio, who was seen in "Mulholland Drive" and "Twin Peaks: the Return".
NO STARS exhibition curated by Stephen Romano with Josh Stebbins, Natan Alexander, Alexis Palmer Karl, Jen Bandini, Luciana Lupe Vasconcelos, Daniel Gonçalves, Matthew Dutton, Barry William Hale, Blake Morrow, Jill Watson and Caitlin McDonagh. October 2019.
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Rebekah Del Rio performs "Llorando" and "No Stars" at the Living Gallery Outpost in NYC for the opening reception of "No Stars" an exhibition curated by Stephen Romano for the benefit of The Phillip C. DeMars Foundation, October 10 2019.
See the full "No Stars" suite by Josh Stebbins
illuminated light work by Natan Alexander “Drink Full And Descend” 2019
Image: Matthew Dutton "‘The horse is the white of the eyes, and dark within.’ 2019 thermos plastic, paint, resin, foam, found objects
Image: Alexis Palmer Karl "The Mother" resin, bone, hand dyed silver leaf, pyrite, insect wings 2019
Unknown Maker, date unknown.. found in the late 1950's in Michigan in a Rebekahs lodge that was being demolished. 31 inches high, plaster Venus, crushed red velvet hand carved wood frame . with repepated pattern that is very similar to "Judy" symbol in Twin Peaks The Return.
Original signed photograph by Jack Aeby of the Trinity Project at White Sand New Mexico July 16, 1945, as seen in Twin Peaks The Return Episode 8.
Unknown Photographer, Van Camp Odd Fellows Lodge Bloomsburg PA, one of the lodges mentioned in The Secret History of Twin Peaks by Mark Frost.