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A Walk Down Memory Lane Emma Ingledew

Everyone experiences high school differently. While some people spend their four years playing a varsity sport and others spend it in the little theater, there are so many communities within Redwood. Memorable moments bring people together, and the feeling of nostalgia is common among seniors at the moment. Whether it is missing something as simple as the crowded hallways or as exciting as the rallies, suddenly, little memories are compiling on top of each other as students reflect upon the last four years. The following remarks and images express some of the class of 2020’s favorite moments at Redwood. The seniors may not be together at the moment, but hopefully these images and quotes will bring them a little closer.

Walking down the red carpet, seniors Anya Klein and Garrett Cook prepare for the rose ceremony at the homecoming football game this year.

“I would say my favorite part [of homecoming week] was just feeling welcomed and loved from my peers. It was very special to me," Klein said.

Homecoming week was an exciting time for the homecoming court members, as they participated in many lunchtime activities.

"One of my favorite memories is Klassy Kickoff and ultimately winning a very close game and celebrating with the other seniors" Charlotte Carek said.

(Courtesy of @redwood.2020)

“I felt a strong sense of unity in the school when the whole student body decided to jump the fence during the [bomb threat] lockdown, Conner Grams said.

(Courtesy of Marin IJ)

Anxiety was in the air as penalty kicks took place during the MCAL final this year. Seniors Sophia Curtaz (5), Grace Bouten (11) and Delaney Anderson (20) hold hands as their goalkeeper goes up against another Tam high player.

“My favorite memory of this year was when [girls’ varsity soccer] won MCALs. It was really exciting for all the seniors since it had been so long since we got a MCAL title," Curtaz said.

(Courtesy of Elizabeth Snearly)

“[My favorite moment from Redwood] would probably be seeing all my friends at lunch and hanging out around each other's cars," Charlie Dyer said.

For senior Zoe Babikian, being on the tennis team brought her some of the most memorable moments. On senior night (as photographed), Babikian was honored by one of her closest friends and teammates Ella Zimmerman.

“I just loved getting to know everyone and becoming really close with the [tennis] team! I met some of my closest friends while on it and it was really fun to be a part of a competitive sport," Babikian said.

“My favorite memory from Redwood is hanging out on the field and learning Spanish by playing soccer and eating brownies with VP," Tucker Swanson said.

Having just finished painting their cars, seniors Abby Shannon, Ava Morris, Sophia Prescott, Lindsay Dubin, Bliss Stengle and Hana Lefferts celebrate the beginning of their senior year.

(Courtesy of Lindsay Dubin)

“I’m going to miss all the laughs I had with my friends," Stengle said.

Dressing up for a spirit day is one of Whitney Johnson’s favorite ways to express her creativity while representing Redwood's school colors.

“I hope that my spirit inspires others to be more spirited in the future," Johnson said.

(Courtesy of whitney Johnson)

“I loved being able to show spirit and getting to emcee at the rally," Johnson said.

Senior Abby Smith is one of many to appreciate the beautiful look out spots, beaches and trails in and around Marin. Photographed is one of the most popular sunset spots, Bolinas Fairfax Ridge.

“My favorite high school memory is going to Limantour beach with my friends. It was always so cold, but we would spend hours walking along the sand listening to the waves,” Smith said.

Natalia Siri has been a part of the leadership class for two and half years and enjoys every second of it. Attending class at seven in the morning may not sound appealing to many students, but for those in leadership, it's their favorite part of the day.

“One of my favorite high school memories was being able to plan and run the Halloween Costume Contest my junior year. That day was so much fun to be a part of, and I felt like everyone really enjoyed the contest," Siri said.
