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Video for Educators Learning Journal Jessica Robinson

I am journaling my journey through the Video for Educators Course for Adobe Premiere. I am expecting this course to challenge me to grow in my use of the tool. I am excited about the journey ahead and learning something new. I invite you to share this experience with me as I make mistakes and gain successes!

Week 1 (Cutting to the Beat)

I chose a firecracker photo for this journal entry because I felt as though I was sparkling and sizzling throughout this process. I do not define myself as "artsy" whatsoever and have shyed away from tasks where I have had to be visually creative.

When my boss asked my team to complete this course, i was a tad apprehensive because this did not fall into my wheelhouse of the things I excelled in.

Once I chose a theme for my video, the wheels began to turn in my head and I got excited just thinking about what my end product would look like. I chose the topic journey because I am an on a journey of learning something new and I am literally taking baby steps. I made many mistakes as I created this video and faced moments of frustration, but the quote at the end of my video is something that I can definitely live by. I hope you enjoy my cutting to the beat video!

Week 2 (Storyboard)

This week was a doozy, my procrastinantion was in full effect. I overthought coming up with a simple story to tell. I began the process using slides and literally stared at a blank screen. My teammates and I collaborated and brainstormed different ideas and I still had nothing.

I finally printed out the paper version of a storyboard and began to draw. I previously stated that this whole idea of completing this course is out of my wheelhouse. Well, drawing just makes me uncomfortable, but I found that writing/drawing out my story allowed my creativity to start flowing.

I was finally able to come up with something simple and that aligned with my current skills set.

There was definitely a productive struggle that occured this week, but I can identify growth on my part and it feels good.

Week 3 (Film & Edit a Video Rough Cut)

I was able to shoot all the scenes from my storyboard and thought about how I wanted my story to be told. I look forward to the editing process and making this rough cut something I'm proud of.

Week 4 (Create Animated Titles)

My biggest revelation this week was discovering how the different Adobe tools work interactively. I used Audition to silence some sound clips that had a lot of wind in the background.

I tried my best to follow along with the video but found myself lost because my panel did not match the one on the tutorial video. I could not figure out how to animate my text and reached a point of frustration that I just stopped once I got the text on my image.

I find myself paying more attention to detail and digging into the tools more. The learning curve has been a tad rough, but I am already looking forward to my next project.

Week 5 (Create Your Final Video)

Let's just say at the beginning of this process I was not super excited about taking this course. Not because it wasn't valuable information, but I doubted my ability to create something worth watching.

My team encouraged me and reassured me as I doubted myself through the process. My boss took time to help me overcome obstacles along the way, and in the end I have created something that I'm proud of.

I was not able to accomplish everything I set out to do, and of course there are pieces I would like to do over, but for a first timer I'm happy with the end product.

I will definitely be take more Adobe products courses and expand my knowledge. I look forward to learning more.


Created with images by TheAngryTeddy - "keyboard keys hardware" • Wout Vanacker - "untitled image" • Kelly Sikkema - "untitled image" • 947051 - "scissors old sewing" • insung yoon - "untitled image" • Alexas_Fotos - "figure puzzle last part"


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