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Strategic Mindset Tips

While my book, The Strategic Planning Guide for Event Professionals, has many tips which can be used both in and out of the event planning profession, I wanted to speak directly to those new to the Strategic Mindset.

Your Strategic Compass

Always start with the end goal in mind. Visualize the ‘Big Picture’ and portion out your priorities into S.M.A.R.T. goals.

Collect & Connect

You do not have to ‘know it all’ to get started. Reach out to your collective of individuals who could help you reach your goal and be brave enough to ask them to introduce you to other members of their collective.


The arc between strategy and mindset is in the ‘DOING.’ Changing your mindset can, and most likely will, bring you to areas of discomfort, anxiety, and even fear – these feelings can quickly lead you to procrastination.

Make note of how you feel; mentally, emotionally, and physically, throughout the process. Make time to unlearn the areas which are holding you back from your ‘big picture.’


Change your ‘To-do’ List to a ‘Ta-Da’ List by doing only items which will strategically get you to your goal.

Want to Learn More?

Schedule a 20-minute Laser Focus call with me to help you achieve your goals today!


Created with images by Jamie Street - "Underwater Navigation Compass" • Ludovic Charlet - "Les couleurs du Rhône sous le pont de l'Université" • magann - "a business man at the maze" • Björn Wylezich - "completed checklist with failure in office" • opolja - "A business man with an open hand ready to seal a deal "