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Northville Connections Northville Public Schools Digital Newsletter: June 2021

Dear Northville Public Schools Families, Staff and Community,

As we finish up what might be the most unique and challenging year in our history, we wanted to send a special note of thanks to our parents, our community and our staff for everything you have done to support our students during the past school year. If ever we wondered the role schools play in society, the answer has become abundantly clear over the course of the last year. Schools are not just a part of our childhood, a place where we make friends, or a warehouse of information to carry with us into the future. Schools are our childhood, they are our friends and family, and they are the key to unlocking our limitless potential. Perhaps above all, schools are a safe haven for children to develop into the adults they will become, a sanctuary for students young and old to flourish academically, emotionally, creatively and socially.

For many families, teachers and staff, the challenge of moving between in-person, virtual and hybrid learning during the COVID-19 pandemic was jarring. We recognize the significant disruption this caused in everyone’s daily lives, and we are deeply grateful to our parents, teachers and staff, who worked tirelessly to support our students, and keep them safe while maximizing learning and growth.

Our teachers and staff dug deep to find new ways to keep students engaged and helped one another figure out new programs and technology. Support staff, ranging from paraprofessionals to our food services, operations, technology, custodial service providers and bus drivers, continued to demonstrate the tremendous impact they have on providing essential services and meeting the needs of families. Meanwhile, parents, as always, played the most critical role in supporting student success – guiding your children through the challenges and adhering to safety protocols throughout the year. It hasn’t been easy, and we thank you for your patience and dedication along the way.

Despite these challenges, the Northville Public Schools community has much to be proud of, as we celebrate the learning, growth and successes of our students, wish our Class of 2021 - and our retirees - all the best on the next steps on their journey, and look forward reconnecting more fully in Fall, 2021. Please take time to peruse the June, 2021 edition of Northville Connections - it highlights many of the successes of our incredible students and staff, their creativity, ingenuity, accolades, and service to others!

We wish our students, families and staff a safe and enjoyable summer, precious time with family and friends, and plenty of time to rest, relax and rejuvenate. We look forward to seeing our students participating in our summer programs, and to welcoming all of our students, families and staff to the 2021-22 school year in September!


Mary K. Gallagher, Superintendent

In this issue of Northville Connections:

  • Congratulations, Class of 2021! Prom, Senior Car Parade & Graduation
  • Congratulations, Cooke School graduates!
  • NPS celebrates over 700 years of service during retirement recognition
  • End of the year celebrations
  • Science Olympiad teams places in local, state, and national competitions
  • NHS Robotics joins Unified community; wins first tournament
  • Welcome, Mr. Joseph Reimann, Moraine's next principal
  • Student Kudos: Amerman fifth-grader along with four Michigan team members wins first place in the international Moon Camp Project; Meads Mill Student Wins Grand Award at 64th Annual Science and Engineering Fair of Metropolitan Detroit (SEFMD); NHS Senior named Presidential Scholar
  • One Book One World book donation
  • Northville STEAM Fair Awards
  • Northville High School earned high National and metro-area rankings in 2021 Best High Schools
  • ABCD Award: Above and Beyond the Call of Duty
  • Enroll in Northville Public Schools
  • Hiring for summer: preschool and summer Kids' Club programs
  • Upcoming virtual events

NHS holds Prom in Downtown Northville

Seniors enjoyed an outdoor prom in downtown Northville on Thursday, May 27, 2021. Seniors wore prom gowns and suits, taking photos at Mill Race Village before heading to the outdoor prom event which included cotton candy and popcorn, games, a DJ, and outdoor dining at local restaurants.

Thank you to all of the NHS staff members, community members and families who helped to make this year's prom memorable!

NHS seniors participated in the Senior Car Parade while community members, teachers from elementary school through high school, the Northville Board of Education, and families cheer them on from the sides of Six Mile. The Car parade ended at the Senior All Night Party at the high school. Thank you to all who helped us celebrate the Class of 2021!

Class of 2021 Graduation Ceremony

The Class of 2021 gathered all together for the first time since March of 2020 during a graduation ceremony unlike any Northville has experienced. Located at Tom Holzer Field, the ceremony took place on June 6th at 1 pm. Families sat on the familiar bleachers and extended family members and friends had the opportunity to tune into the livestream from home. Seniors were all smiles as they ran up to their peers, took photos in their cap and gowns and excitedly waited for their turn to walk across the stage and give Principal Tony Koski a congratulatory fist bump.

The Highlights: Speeches and Performances

Principal Tony Koski Remarks:

NHS class of 21, simply put you have inspired me with admiration. I reflect on all you have achieved over the last four years, and especially in the last year and a quarter. You have been our vaccine, our shot in the arm, to help make our community move forward with positivity, hope and grace.

Superintendent Mary Kay Gallagher Remarks:

Each of you have contributed to who and what we are as Northville Public Schools, because you have given of yourselves as students, classmates and friends. You have enlightened us with your words. You have amazed us with the depth and breadth of your talents. You have heartened us with your empathy and compassion toward others, and you have challenged our thinking and helped us to grow as educators.

Student Speaker, Ria Ellendula:

We have truly learned the value of even the littlest moments that we may have once taken for granted. We've looked out for ourselves, for our friends, for our family and in doing this we've learned to treasure those around us just a little more.

Class President Elizabeth White Remarks:

Parents and graduates, I'd like to acknowledge the sacrifices of our past generations, our diverse narratives and the promise of both growth and education. Because, like many of us, my family moved to Northville for this moment, the pursuit of this education. So, to the generations before us, this is my salute to you because we are here, we are receiving this education due to your decisions, your actions, and your sacrifices; and the stories behind that education are what makes each diploma diverse.


National Anthem by Maya McEntyre and Brooklyn Stack

"Today My Life Begins" by Backbeat and TrebleMaker seniors: Gina Karkoski, Maya McEntyre, Suchir Pinnamaneni, Seth Sharples, Jacok Shurtleff, and Brooklyn Stack

Presentation of the Class Gift by Class Treasurer Hana Rababeh:

Donation of two benches to be placed in the new front vestibule in front of Northville High School.

Class of 2021, you make us proud!

  • 68 National Merit Honorees
  • 1 United States Presidential Scholar
  • 3 National Recognition Program Scholars
  • 1 MDE Breaking Traditions awardee
  • 328 recipients of the President’s Award for Educational Excellence
  • 26 International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidates
  • 21 Core Academy graduates

Congratulations, Cooke School Graduates!

Cooke families and students celebrated the 2021 Cooke School graduates on Wednesday, June 16, 2021. A virtual ceremony was held in the morning followed by a car parade in front of the school.

Director of Special Services Elizabeth Santer said to the graduates,

"Know that life is a series of transitions. You are always leaving one chapter while moving on to the next. Know that we are proud of you. Know that what you have gained is only the beginning of what you can accomplish. Know that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you'll ever know. Know that we know that you have a strength and resilience that is undeniable and we are honored that you have been part of Northville’s tradition of excellence. You have shown us what a world of possibilities looks like."

Superintendent Mary Kay Gallagher congratulated the graduates on their many accomplishments saying,

"You, together with this incredible Team Cooke, have taught us the capacity within each of us to become effective communicators, quality contributors and continuous learners. You have challenged us to go beyond what some may not see as possible, to stretch beyond limitations, break new ground in learning and growth. You have taught us every day the meaning of courage and perseverence. You have enriched our lives and have challenged us to become better educators and better human beings."

Congratulations to the following Cooke School graduates of 2021!

Bassel Abou-Arkoub

Jessica Phillips

Sathyanarayanan Saravanakumar

Colin Wethington

Brittany Woods

Sara Suthphin

Merannda Persinger

Deion Kemp

NPS celebrates over 700 years of service during retirement recognition

The Northville Board of Education showed gratitude to the 2021 retirees who represent 733 years of service to Northville Public Schools. Honored retirees span across all six of the elementary school, Cooke School, both middle schools and the high school, food services and operations. The celebration began with sentiments from Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources David Rodgers about the immeasurable ways these retirees have touched the lives of students, staff and families and how all NPS staff have supported students followed by a photo slideshow (see video below.)

Superintendent Mary Kay Gallagher said about the retirees:

Today, we celebrate with you and honor YOU – know that you have been a part of shaping who and what Northville Public Schools is – that we are a different, and better place as a result of having the opportunity to learn from, and work with you – as colleagues, mentors, coaches, leaders, learners – in good times and in difficult and challenging times as well. We have had the honor of seeing many of you in action – and know that your reach extends far beyond the walls of our classrooms and schools – we have seen you support students when they’ve grappled with injustice and witnessed you help turn difficult situations into learning opportunities; we have seen you dig deep to create opportunities for your students to have a voice, to understand their needs, negotiate the virtual world as well as our in-person scenarios – to connect with one other despite the barriers imposed by the pandemic. Now, more than ever, the significance of every one of our staff members – our nurses, food service staff, operations staff, our social workers, counselors, our administrative assistants, our educators and our building leaders has never been more apparent.

Thank you, retirees! Enjoy your retirement!

Those honored at the Board of Education meeting on June 8, 2021 include:

Denise Bryan, Principal, Moraine, 14 years

Jeanne Dumas, Admin Assistant, Cooke, 16 years

Christopher Ford, Teacher, NHS, 32 years

Beth Fritz, Amerman, Admin Assistant, 20 years

Kimberly Gall, Teacher, Ridge Wood, 26 years

Dolores Hartshorne, Para Educator, Silver Springs, over 24 years

Maura Jary, Teacher, Meads Mill, over 23 years

Ellen Kelly, Food Services, 19 years

Victoria Kopistiansky, Teacher, Hillside, 26 years

Suzanne Lipshaw, Teacher, Moraine, 12 years

John Michniak, Operations, 21 years

Kathleen Mroz, Teacher, Meads Mill, over 33 years

Diana Patterson, Assistant Principal, NHS, 26 years

Cassandra Patterson, Para Educator, Cooke, 23 years

Susan Thomas, Teacher, Moraine, 17 years

Elinor Truran, Teacher, Moraine, 35 years

Wendy Wilkinson, Teacher, Thornton Creek, 11 years

End of the year celebrations

Students from all schools celebrated the end of the 2020-2021 with fifth grade clap outs, eighth grade graduations, and classroom parties. Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing you next fall!

Science Olympiad teams place in local, state, and national competitions


Amerman’s Science Olympiad competed in the Wayne-Oakland Science Olympiad (WOSO) tournament on June 12, 2021. The Amerman teams won in many categories and each Amerman team placed first in their grade level.

The WOSO events included:

  • A is for Anatomy
  • Amazing Arthropods
  • Charged Up
  • Crash Car Eggspert
  • Crime Busters
  • Grasp a Graph
  • Mystery Architecture
  • Precision Ping Pong Propulsion
  • Reflection Relay
  • Rock Hound
  • Simple Machines
  • Source Code (JavaScript)
  • Starry Starry Night
  • Weather or Not
  • Wild Life Safari
  • Zowie Estimation

Middle School

Meads Mill’s Science Olympiad Team placed third in the State tournament held on May 1, 2021 and the Hillside Science Olympiad team placed seventh place. Forty-nine teams participated in the tournament. Many middle school students placed in several events including # who placed first and were named State Champions. The Meads Mill Team also placed in top five in two trial events. The list of events are below:

  • Trial Event: Fast Facts, 1st Place - Rishi Chowdhury (Meads)
  • Trial Event: Codebusters, 5th Place - Rishi Chowdhury, Saharsh Pandey & Sriraam Hebbar (Meads)
  • Disease Detectives, 1st Place - Josh Grewal, Rishi Chowdhury (Meads)
  • Food Science, 1st Place - Amogh Mavatoor, Varnika Jakka (Hillside)
  • Fossils, 1st Place - Sneha Hegde, Tanvi Kadiri (Meads)
  • Helicopter, 1st place - Jerry Niu (Meads)
  • Mousetrap Vehicle, 1st Place - Andrea Diaz, Isabella Alexander (Hillside)
  • Digital Structures, 2nd Place - Rishabh Mavatoor (Hillside)
  • Food Science, 2nd Place - Tanvi Kakunje, Varshan Muhinthan (Meads)
  • Game on, 2nd Place - Josh Grewal, Saharsh Pandey (Meads)
  • Heredity, 2nd Place - Andrea Diaz, Isabella Alexander (Hillside)
  • Density Lab, 3rd Place - Rishi Chowdhury, Saharsh Pandey (Meads)
  • Dynamic Planet, 3rd Place - Rishi Chowdhury, Saharsh Pandey (Meads)
  • Helicopter, 3rd Place - Andrea Diaz, Isabella Alexander (Hillside)
  • Crime Busters, 5th Place - Kavya Vadrevu, Samhita Chidam (Hillside)
  • Experimental Design, 5th Place - Amogh Mavatoor, Ashrita Yenduri, Keertana Venkatesh (Hillside)
  • Road Scholars, 5th Place - Sneha Hegde, Sriraam Hebbar (Meads)
  • Water Quality, 5th Place - Jishnu Kandalam, Varnika Jakka (Hillside)
  • Dynamic Planet, 6th Place - Laya Mantha, Srihan Sankepalle (Hillside)
  • Anatomy & Physiology, 6th Place - Josh Grewal. Tanvi Kakunje (Meads)
  • Reach for the Stars, 6th Place - Rishi Chowdhury, Saanvi Thippireddy (Meads)
  • Circuit Lab, 7th Place - Jishnu Kandalam, Laya Mantha (Hillside)
  • Machines, 7th Place - Joshua Lee, Sriraam Hebbar (Meads)
  • Mousetrap Vehicle, 8th Place - Jerry Niu, Tarun Senthilkumar (Meads)
  • Circuit Lab, 9th Place - Joshua Lee, Rohit Maddali (Meads)
  • Experimental Design, 9th Place - Tanvi Kadiri, Tanvi Kakunje, Tarun Senthilkumar (Meads)
  • Meteorology, 9th Place - Sneha Hegde, Sriraam Hebbar (Meads)
  • Water Quality, 9th Place - Tanvi Kakunje, Varshan Muhinthan (Meads)
  • Crime Buster, 10th Place - Shraya Ved, Sneha Hegde (Meads)

High School

The NHS Science Olympiad Varsity team placed in 1st position in Division C in the State Tournament. The team scored 52 points in 23 events placing in the top 10 in all events out of the 52 competing teams. This is a new NHS record and the State record for Division C!

The NHS team was eligible to compete in Nationals hosted by Arizona University virtually from May 17th - 22nd. The team ranked 11th out of 61 teams. Placing first in the “Wright Stuff” event! View the list of events that the team placed in the top ten in below:

  • Wright Stuff, 1st Place
  • Disease Detectives, 2nd Place
  • Detector Building, 4th Place
  • Gravity Vehicle, 6th Place
  • Anatomy and Physiology, 8th Place
  • Dynamic Planet, 8th Place
  • Codebusters, 9th Place
  • Digital Structures, 10th Place

Congratulations to the Northville Science Olympiad teams!

NHS Robotics joins Unified community; wins first tournament

Northville Public Schools is proud to be part of the Unified community.

NPS has participated in Unified basketball for the past four years. The Northville High School Robotics Team, the Northville Robostangs, chose to add another initiative to the Unified Program, known as Unified Robotics. Teams of 2-4 Unified Athletes combined with 2-4 Peers worked to build a LEGO robot designed to push other robots off of a circular platform to emerge victoriously. Kelsey Mikiciuk coached a team of over 20+ students. These students were divided into four teams- Awesome Puppies and Rainbows, Team Indominus Rex, Giant Lizard, and The Cool Group. Because of Covid-19, practices were held virtually, once a week for two months.

Unified Athletes were mentored to become proficient in EV3 programming, a software using color-coded block programming to control the robot’s autonomous movements. The first competition in partnership with Frog Force was held on Saturday, May 22, 2021 against Novi High School.

The teams received the following awards:

  • Exceptional Feature Award - Awesome Puppies and Rainbows
  • Team Spirit Award - Team Indominus Rex
  • Inclusion Award - Giant Lizard
  • Tournament Winners, Sportsmanship Award - The Cool Group

Welcome, Mr. Joseph Reimann, Moraine's next principal

Moraine’s next principal to build on Moraine’s culture of student empowerment, learning and leadership

The Moraine Elementary School community will welcome Joseph Reimann as principal for the 2021-2022 school year. During Tuesday’s Board of Education meeting on June 8, 2021, the Northville Board of Education unanimously approved a one year contract for Joseph Reimann to serve as Principal of Moraine Elementary School. Joseph succeeds Denise Bryan who will be retiring at the end of the 2020-2021.

Mr. Reimann joins Northville Public Schools from Grosse Ile Township Schools where he taught music education, including band, across the preK-12 grades (primarily at middle school) for ten years before moving into elementary administration in 2016. He has served as principal at Meridian Elementary and Parke Lane Elementary. During his time as principal, Mr. Reimann focused on three areas of improvement, including student-focused advocacy, instructional leadership and community connection. In each of these areas of focus he established a character development program, supported teacher-led learning and led a Parent Book Club.

Throughout his career, Mr. Reimann has committed to continuous learning and acquiring Google certification, attending leadership conferences, and connecting with educators nationwide. This dedication to personal and professional growth has provided him the expertise in building school-community partnerships and developing a leadership culture that empowers and supports students. Mr. Reimann’s background aligns with and will continue to foster the growth-mindset culture at Moraine that is a pillar of the legacy of Principal Dr. Denise Bryan during her fourteen years as Moraine Elementary School’s principal.

“Mr. Reimann emerged as an exceptional candidate with 15 years of combined administrative, teaching, and counseling experience dedicated to developing a staff, empowering student leadership and engaging a school community,” said Northville Superintendent Mary Kay Gallagher. “His commitment to cultivating a culture of learning, valuing positive relationships, and working toward a shared vision resonated with the input received from the Moraine school community and with Northville Public Schools administration.”

Mr Joseph Reimann said “I recently had the opportunity to tour Moraine Elementary and it is amazing to see how student leadership has had such a positive impact on the entire school. After talking with staff and some Northville families, it is clear that our community is committed to character education, world-class opportunities, and high expectations. What has been most impressive as I've learned more about Moraine and Northville is that students have a voice in their school community - they are active in making their environment a better place for learning and leading. I am honored to join the Moraine staff and the Northville Public Schools.”

Mr. Reimann earned his undergraduate degree at Central Michigan University and later returned to CMU for a Master’s Degree in school counseling before earning his administration credential through Eastern Michigan University in 2015.

Mr. Reimann lives in Beverly Hills with his wife, Mandy, of 12 years and three children Ellie (8), Lydia (6), and Joey (4). They love spending their weekends outdoors at a Metropark or Farmers Market. Mr. Reimann is an avid sports fan and enjoys finding any place with live music.

Student Kudos:

Amerman fifth-grader along with four Michigan team members wins first place in the international Moon Camp Project

Amerman Elementary School fifth-grader HuiJun (Ella) Zhong , along with four other multi-Michigan district team members, was awarded first place in the 2021 Moon Camp Challenge - Explorers Category (age up to 14 years old). This international 3D design competition is hosted by the European Space Agency (ESA), Airbus Foundation, and Autodesk. Over 4100 students from 33 countries participated in a variety of categories.

For the Moon Camp Explorers, each team’s mission is to 3D design the complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad to overcome important challenges which enable astronauts to stay on the Moon for long periods of time. Such challenges include protection from radiation and meteorites, energy production, the extraction and recycling of water, food production and much more. Each team needs to explain their project in a written report to the expert jury, including: Use of local resources (e.g. lunar soil, water ice), Technological solutions (e.g. power source, recycling system, food growth chamber), Protection (from meteorites and radiation), and provide suitable living and working facilities for the astronauts.

The team's Moon Camp is named “Mona Astra.” Astra is Latin for “stars,” and often used in inspirational phrases. In Arabic, Mona means “a wish or desire.” Mona Astra means “A wish to get to the stars.” There are 11 buildings in the Mona Astra camp including a nuclear power plant, laboratory, living base, urine purification chamber, clinic and greenhouses. Visit the official Mona Astra project page to learn more about the project and the team's vision for their camp.

Along with their first-place recognition, Zhong and her team will have a chance to talk to European Astronauts and gain insight and experience in space travel and leaving the gravitational limits of our planet to explore the infinite possibilities of space.


Meads Mill Student Wins Grand Award at 64th Annual Science and Engineering Fair of Metropolitan Detroit (SEFMD)

Rishi Chowdhury, a seventh grader at Meads Mill Middle School, won the junior division Grand Award at the 64th Annual Science and Engineering Fair of Metropolitan Detroit (SEFMD).

His project, Combining Spectrums for Ideal Plant Growth, was selected for the top honor in the junior category – for sixth, seventh and eighth graders – by the Science and Engineering Fair of Metropolitan Detroit. More than 600 students competed in the event this year.


NHS Senior Named Presidential Scholar

Congratulations to Shriya Reddy! She was named a 2021 Presidential Scholar along with four other Michigan seniors and 161 across the nation.

The White House Commission on Presidential Scholars selects scholars annually based on their academic success, artistic and technical excellence, essays, school evaluations and transcripts, as well as evidence of community service, leadership and demonstrated commitment to high ideals.

She will join the Presidential Scholars Class of 2021 during a recognition ceremony this summer.

One Book One World book donation

Northville Board of Education Secretary Roland Hwang facilitated a One Book One World book donation for Northville Public Schools. One Book One World aims to provide books to students that foster more understanding in Asian American culture, history, and contribution to our country and community.

The district received $2000+ in book donations: 18 books to NHS, 14 each to Meads Mill and Hillside, and 15 to each of the 6 elementary schools and Cooke school totaling 151 books. NHS Librarian Shannon Torres, Northville Board of Education President Sarah Prescott, Director of Instructional Programs & Services Sandra Brock and Mr. Hwang met with the One Book One World organization to show appreciation for the generous donation.

Northville STEAM Fair Awards

Northville Public Schools partners with the Northville Educational Foundation to

Congratulations to the students who received awards during this year's STEAM Fair! View the awards and the projects on the STEAM Fair website.

World of Possibilities Award - This is awarded to projects that are the most realistic in their solution to a problem

  • Improve the Child Seat Belt Safety in Cars – Aadhyasri, 4th Grade & Shriyan, 1st Grade
  • PPE (Protect Planet and Environment) – Ria, Nayonika and Kreesha, 5th Grade
  • Space Debris – Zain, 4th Grade
  • H20-ifier – Saamaja, 7th Grade & Sujana, 5th Grade
  • Portable Hand Sanitizer - Lauren & Brooke, 12 Grade
  • Environmentally Conscious Golf Ball Collection Device - Jacob & Andrew, 12th Grade

Most Creative Award - This is awarded to projects that are the most creative in its solutions, approach or appearance.

  • Popcorn Bag Blanket Experiment – Emma, 1st Grade
  • Hydraulic Robot – Anupriya and Shraddha, 5th grade
  • Sanipod – Ritvik, Arjun, Chet, Iyi & Kevin, 8th Grade
  • Twitter Sentiment - Ashna, Aarav, Julia, Rahul, Yaash & Yui - 11th & 12th Graders
  • Vacuum Sealing Drawer - Paul, Jason & Jack - 12th Grade

Judges Choice Award - This is awarded to projects deserving recognition due to their excellence.

  • Hydrating Tomato Plants w/ IV Fluid – Dominic - 5th Grade & Zachary - 3rd Grade
  • Combining Spectrum for Ideal Plant Growth – Rishi - 7th Grade
  • Stand-Up – Nidhi, Aryaa, Anushka & Elizabeth, 7th Graders
  • Exterior Hockey Helmet Shell - Zack & Carl, 12th Graders
  • Plant in a Sealed Bottle - Sydney, 12th Grade

Special thanks to the STEAM Fair Presenting Sponsor, Community Financial Credit Union, and the team of judges who spent hours viewing and evaluating the student's projects.

Northville High School earned high National and metro-area rankings in 2021 Best High Schools

U.S. News & World Report, the global authority in education rankings, unveiled the 2021 Best High Schools. The new edition ranks more than 17,800 public high schools throughout the country, measuring how well schools serve students from various social and economic backgrounds.

Northville High School Ranked:

  • #10 in Michigan High Schools
  • #8 in Detroit, MI Metro Area High Schools
  • #466 in National Rankings
  • #87 Nationally in STEM High Schools

View Northville High School's U.S. News profile page, with details about its rankings:

ABCD Award: Above and Beyond the Call of Duty

Nominate NPS Staff for contributions "Above and Beyond the Call of Duty."

The ABCD, Above and Beyond the Call of Duty, Award is open to nominations from students, parents, and staff for significant contributions by NPS employees that go beyond the norm. At least annually or by semester, all staff are eligible, there is no set number of awards.

Students, staff or parents may complete and submit this form detailing something truly Above and Beyond the Call of Duty by an NPS staff member. Submissions are received by the Office of Human Resources and will be reviewed by the Board’s Human Resources Policy/Personnel Sub-Committee for consideration. Individuals receiving this ABCD Award may be recognized at the public Board of Education meetings and/or in District communications.

This year's recipients include:

  • Alice Janke, Teacher, Ridge Wood
  • Andrea Padgen, Teacher, Winchester
  • Blake Vertrees, Teacher, Amerman
  • Danielle Hession, Teacher, NHS
  • Elizabeth Bacigal, Para Educator, NHS
  • Johanne Ray-Hepp, Teacher, Hillside
  • John Kostrzewa, Teacher, NHS
  • Kaitlynn Mikami, Teacher, Moraine
  • Kelly Kreitman, Teacher, NHS
  • Kelly Lindsay, Principal, Winchester
  • Laura DeMarti, Teacher, Meads Mill
  • Lynne Tuer, Teacher, NHS
  • Markus Hartnett, Teacher, Amerman
  • Matt Stetson, Teacher, NHS
  • Maureen Nichols, Teacher, Thornton Creek
  • Nancy Heitzman, Teacher, Meads Mill
  • Nancy Kelly-Roach, Teacher, Hillside
  • Tara Fortino, Teacher, Winchester
  • Tim Dalton, Teacher, NHS

Enroll in Northville Public Schools

Northville Public Schools is now enrolling all grades for the 2021-2022 school year.

To begin the enrollment process visit the Northville Public Schools Enrollment webpage to schedule a virtual appointment with a member of the Office of Student Data. Details about documents necessary for enrollment will be provided on the Northville Schools Enrollment webpage.

Why Northville Public Schools?

  • All NPS elementary schools are Leader in Me Lighthouse schools.
  • Northville High School and Cooke School are AdvancEd accredited.
  • Beginning with our youngest students, our nationally accredited Early Childhood Program, serving 285 pre-K children and more than 860 school-age students, supports children’s thinking and learning across disciplines by promoting a balance of child-initiated and teacher-guided experiences.
  • Amerman Elementary School was recognized as a 2019 National Blue Ribbon School, based on its overall academic excellence and progress in closing the achievement gap among student subgroups.
  • Hillside and Meads Mill Middle Schools, along with Northville High School, reauthorized as International Baccalaureate World Schools offering the Middle Years Programme (Grades 6-10.)
  • Northville High School was identified as a US News & World Report 2020 Best High School, ranking 10th among high schools in Michigan, and in the top 500 high schools nationally.
  • Cooke Center program serves students ages three through 26 with significant special needs, building on the integration of academic content in ways that also address students’ functional needs, with community-based instruction providing students with opportunities to practice academic and life skills in the actual settings in which they will be expected to apply them. In June 2020, we celebrated the success of 12 Cooke School graduates in a ceremony honoring each student’s growth and their hopes and plans for the next part of their journey.
  • Northville High School offers rigorous opportunities and a variety of pathways for students to build their graduate profile –with more than 215 course options, including 21 Advanced Placement Courses, 19 IB Diploma Program courses, extensive course options in the visual, performing and applied arts, along with six Project Lead the Way offerings. Career vocational training is available through the Livonia Career Technical Center, and, this year, was expanded to include options at the William D. Ford Technical Center in Wayne-Westland.
  • The Class of 2020 was the 152nd class graduating from Northville High School, with a total of 646 graduates, 292 of whom were a part of Northville Public Schools since at least kindergarten.
  • Northville High School is among the top 1% of high schools with the highest graduation rate, with the Class of 2020 four year graduation cohort graduation rate of ≥99%.

Register your incoming kindergartner!

All six of Northville’s elementary schools have achieved the prestigious “Lighthouse School” designation in their The Leader in Me journey. Based on Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Leader in Me is an innovative, school-wide model that emphasizes a culture of student empowerment that helps unleash each child’s full potential. Applying the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, teachers and students internalize enduring leadership principles that nurture the skills students need for success in the 21st century.

Now is the time to start preparing for kindergarten for the 2021-2022 school year. Parents and guardians are encouraged to register new kindergarteners now. Begin the enrollment process online.

Now Enrolling! Early Childhood Education and Extended Day Programs

The Northville Public Schools Early Childhood Education and Extended Day programs are all licensed by the State of Michigan and our Early Childhood programs are also nationally accredited.

Our programs include Full-Day, School-Day, Pre-K PLUS and Half-Day preschool classes, Parent/Child classes, before & after school care in our elementary schools and after school care in our middle school.

Our quest for academic excellence begins in our nationally accredited Early Childhood Education programs and continues on to support children through their elementary and middle school years and ultimately, laying the foundation for a lifetime of learning!

2021-22 Early Childhood Offerings: School Day Preschool and Half Day Preschool, Parent-Child and Virtual Preschool

2021-22 Extended Day Offerings: Kids’ Club at all 6 NPS Elementary Schools, Club Mid at Meads Mill

Summer 2021 Offerings: Preschool Summer Camp and Summer Kids’ Club

Virtual Open House Video

Learn about the Early Childhood and Extended Day 2021-2022 program offerings, hear from various Early Childhood staff and enjoy a video tour of our locations.


Northville Public Schools is hiring for the Summer Preschool and Summer Kids' Club programs

Job positions are for the dates of June 21 through August 20

Hourly pay of $11.25/hour and up.

Must be 18 years or older.

Contact Joanne Sawicki at

Northville Public Schools Upcoming Events

June 22

Budget Hearing (Board of Education meeting), 5:30 pm via Zoom

Virtual Board of Education Meeting, 6:30 pm via Zoom

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The Northville Connections Digital Newsletter is created by Northville Public Schools Communications Specialist Sarah Jacobs. Have a story to share? Send an email to or call 248.344.3507.

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Northville Schools