Remember when you were eleven? The year before sixth grade. The second to last year before middle school. If you want to get real technical, the two years before you become a teen. Whatever you want to call being eleven, one thing pulls them together. At eleven, you are still a child. At eleven, you're still playing with toys, you still have recess, and you still sit in a classroom with an obnoxious amount of corny posters.
That was before, but what are eleven year olds like now? What are eleven year olds like during quarantine?
In this project, I document what a day of my eleven year old sister's life in quarantine is like.
Hi, I'm Mathea and I'm eleven years old!
Then we'll play until we die of laughter. Maybe I'll play with my Ipad again...
Today was tiring, but fun at the same time.
Then I'll do it again tomorrow.
Created by Geninah Intoy
This project was created in Future Imagemakers in the Department of Photography and Imaging at Tisch School of Arts, NYU in Spring 2020
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