The project "Be social! Be entrepreneur!", initiated by the Dominou Association Craiova, brings together 21 youth workers with experience in working with young groups of immigrants/minority (from Spain, Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania) for 7 days in Craiova, 18- 24 June 2019 for having various activities aimed to promote entrepreneurship among young people, exchange of experiences and diminishing stereotypes regarding young immigrants/ minority groups.
Dominou Association, ROMANIA
Who are we?
The Dominou Association from Romania, Craiova ( non-governmental and not for profit) has been founded in 2004 and has 6 board members and 147 active members (teachers, trainers, volunteers, pedagogical advisers, young students). Our goals include supporting formal, non-formal and informal education of children, youth and adult people in order to acquire the necessary skills and personal development skills for future employment and active citizenship, including promoting of human rights, cultural diversity, equal opportunities and non-discrimination. It organizes accredited courses (by the National Council of Adult Development Training) in 32 fields.
In the Youth department, our activities involves promoting volunteering as a personal and professional development activity, sports and recreation games, youth exchanges, debates about non-discrimination, seminars, diversity promotion, workshops, exhibitions, etc. on topics of general and European Community interest, establishing and maintaining ties of friendship and mobilization between youth for knowledge purposes and encouragement for their initiatives; activities in support of cultural diversity, development of activities that promote equality between women and men, respect for religion, to support disadvantaged children and youth (coming from orphanages, school dropouts, delinquent, disabled, Roma, poor socioeconomic status, unemployed, etc.,), activities that promote healthy lifestyles among young people, offering healthy alternatives for negative behaviours spread in our society.
What is Be social! Be entrepreneur?
The training aims to equip a group of 21 youth workers from Turkey, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal and Romania, that work with young immigrants / minority groups with useful tools to encourage young people to take part in the private initiative promoting social-economic independence and diminishing unemployment.
Number of participants: 3 participants per association(Youth workers)
Specific objectives:
1. Improving the entrepreneurial/ social competences and creativity of 21 youth workers from 7 partner countries working with young immigrants/ minorities to facilitate access to the labor market and business environment for young people, through the exchange of good practices, the transfer of methods between different categories of disadvantaged beneficiaries.
2. To equip 21 youth workers with specific tools for empowering and increasing the entrepreneurial spirit, creativity and employability of young immigrants / national minorities;
3. Develop and encourage solidarity and tolerance among young people by promoting the social aspect of entrepreneurship, online collaboration and the inclusive European economic market,
4. To present the opportunity of the ERASMUS + programme and EU solidariry group as an instrument for developing young people’s entry into the labour market and entrepreneurial state of mind.
5. To extend the informal network of organizations with competences in the encouraging professional development and entrepreneurship initiatives of young immigrants/ national minorities.
-Developing non-formal methods useful for working with young immigrants / minorities, booklet describing and illustrating the methods used in working with young immigrants/ minorities, making an "online mall" with the presentation of all business ideas of the youth workers, making filma that illustrate the analysis of the needs of young immigrants/ minorities from every communities, elaboration new ideas for youth projects that will help young immigrants/ minorities.
The youth workers will acquire knowledge and skills in the social entrepreneurship field, they will learn about the program, will have the opportunity to identify common values with people from different countries, they will be promoters of tolerance and will be aware of international issues among young people belonging to minority groups/ immigrants;
Travel details:
Have a look on:
How to reach Craiova: The training course will take place in Craiova (South part of Romania). There is an airport in Craiova, but with few flights. Most of the flights will likely go to Bucharest, and from there you can take a transport to Craiova. This transfer should cost between 15 to 20 Euros per person, one way. There is a direct bus from the airport to Craiova, as well as the option to go to the train station and take a train from there. We will assist with transfer information, as soon as we know your arrival dates and times. You should book your flights for Bucharest or Craiova; Craiova is 250 km far from Bucharest.
Our currency is the Romanian Leu (RON): 1 Euro = 4.40 RON
Romania is member of the EU since 1st of January 2007;
The necessary documents for reimbursement of travel (Reimbursements will be done after Dominou receives all coming-return original tickets by postal address, money will be sent to your sending NGO's account)
1. Tickets (bus, metro, train, boarding passes, flight tickets);
2. Invoice – where the price is, your name(if the case), time;
3. Provement of payment (bank excerpt, credit card online payment-emails, paper bill)
(Without any of these, we cannot reimburse your money for travel; NO TAXI –except for night hours is the case)
Down here you can find the travel budget / country / person. Please fit in and let us know if we can support you in choosing best way of traveling.
Travel budget :
Spain 360 EUR/participant
Greece 275 EUR/participant
Turkey 275 EUR/participant
Portugal 360 EUR/participant
Bulgaria 180 EUR/participant
Italy 275 EUR/participant
(soon these costs will be confirmed by our National Agency and we’ll send you more details)
Travel insurance: pls follow the link to make your own travel insurance:
Accommodation will be in rooms of 2
WHAT TO prepare before the seminar starts:
Please prepare a video(maximum 3 minutes) "Immigrants/minorities voices", (video)" The youth workers from each organization will prepare a video about the situation of immigrants/minorities in their community/country. (in the day two we are going to discuss about all the 7 videos of the partner organizations).
We kindly ask you to bring: Clear information (in English, if possible) about the main activities of your organization. Map, posters, postcards about your country/region/town to be displayed during the training course. Please bring your national flag. Some gastronomic specialties (food and/or drinks) for the International Evening. Please do not bring too much and note, that it may not be possible to cook or heat food at the training centre!
For more details :
Ana Serban - 0040771739144;; facebook:
Silvia Patru - 0040754764931 facebook:
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