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Gender Stereotypes beyond the pink and the blue

Can you solve the following riddle?

One day, a father was driving his son to school when they were both badly injured in an accident and had to go to hospital. The doctors at the hospital decided that the boy needed to have an operation at once, so they called the surgeon. A few minutes later, the surgeon arrived, looked at the boy and said, “I can’t operate on this boy – he’s my son!”

How is this possible?

Answer: The surgeon is a woman. She's the boy's mother.

The children in the following film are asked to draw people doing different jobs. Watch up to 2:07 and answer the following questions:

  • What kind of jobs do they draw?
  • What gender do they choose for the people they draw? Male, female or both?

Now watch the rest of the film. What happens? How do the children react. Why?

Which of the following adjectives are related to men and which are related to women? Can you think of any more to add in the list?

Make a list of stereotypical gender roles

Sample answers

In the following video how is the girl discouraged from science and technology?

Compare the previous video with this one. What are the differences?

In the following video an eight-year-old girl compares the different slogans found on girls' and boys' T-shirts.

  • How are these slogans different?
  • Who are these slogans mostly unfair for? Boys or girls? Why?

Change the narrative - Break the box

More ideas and downlodable material on gender roles and stereotyping can be found in the official International Women's Day page

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Created with an image by DarkoStojanovic - "medical appointment doctor healthcare clinic health hospital"


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