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Aam ji luu-x̱hln̓aa-t'aatgwin Student newsletter | April 8, 2020

Welcome to the second issue of Aam ji luu-x̱hln̓aa-t'aatgwin. Each week we will focus on an Indigenous language in our region. This week we are focusing on the Gitxsan language and using Gitxsan words throughout.

Aam ji luu-x̱hln̓aa-t'aatgwin means "it's good for you to stay home" in Nisga'a. In the Gitxsan language we say Xhla wansim "stay home" Guuxw ama gyaatxwsim "take care of yourselves."

We are happy that you are all safe at home and doing your part to protect yourselves and your loved ones, especially your Ye’e (Grandfather), Ts’iits’n (your Grandmother), nigwoot’n (your father) and noon (your mother), during this COVID-19 pandemic.

We will continue to provide support by keeping you up-to-date with the latest news at CMTN, sharing ideas with you to keep a healthy balance of mind, body and spirit and learning tips, recipes, and much more.

Please share with us how you are keeping up with your studies through remote delivery, how you are keeping active, how you are entertaining your kids, etc.

We would love share information on sites you may have found to offer free e-books, online music concerts and more in our next issue.

Enjoy, take care, and stay safe.

Jillian Stephens, Terrace

Veronica Waechter, Terrace

Sharon Oskey, Prince Rupert

Kellie Nyce, Hazelton

Katie Humphrey, Smithers

Left to right: Veronica Waechter, Jillian Stephens, Kellie Nyce, Katie Humphrey & Sharon Oskey

What would Tsi'its do?

T’siit’s would most likely say to you with much love…

Xhla wansim! Stay home!

Hatakxwhl ha siipxw ba’yt xsap dii’m. A bad illness is running rampant amongst us.

Guuxw ama gyaatxwsim. Take care of yourselves.

Here are some phrases to try the next time you call your Ye’e or Ts’iits’n. This could be a lonely time for some, so this may brighten their day, and you learn your language at the same time!

Phonetic pronunciation is provided in brackets, but ask for help with pronunciation to really grasp the language.

Hindahl wila win? (Hin dalth willa win) How are you?

Amhl willa wil’y (umhl willa will ee) I am doing fine/great

Luugwilam (Lou quill am) Very good

Wii o'oy niin (We yo e neen) I like/love you

Wii o’oy’ nisim (We yo e nism) I like/love you all

Hamiyaa (Humi ya) Thank you

Dim hli moo’y ‘niin (dim hli moyee neen) I will help you

Hlabixsxw ‘ni’y (hla bish sh nee’e) I am tired

Siipxw ‘ni’y (sec poo wx nee-e) I am sick

Siipkxw ‘nii na? (see poo wx neena) Are you sick?

Wilp siipxw (Wilp seep who) Hospital (house of sickness)

Source: Gitxsan Phrase Book for Health Care Providers (Northwest East Aboriginal Health Improvement Committee). The book is available online at

Bannock and then chill

Did you try the bannock recipe last week? Here's another recipe you can try, baked not fried!

Doreen’s Baking Powder Bread Recipe

  • 3 c flour
  • 4 tbsp baking powder
  • ½ c sugar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • ¾ c oil
  • 4 eggs
  • Water (approximately 2 – 3 cups)

Mix all dry ingredients first, then add oil and eggs, and then add water until it is like a thick pancake consistency. Pour batter into a cake pan and bake at 400 F for 35 minutes.

While your bread is in the oven check out fun activities online like:

FREE documentaries. This week, check out Spread Your Wings: Richard & the Totem Pole (1977). This docu-series profiles young people in many countries around the world learning to become skilled in occupations or trades that carry on a familial or cultural tradition from respected mentors. This episode is about sixteen-year-old Richard. He begins to take an interest in his Indigenous heritage when his father is commissioned to carve a 30-foot totem pole for the University campus in Vancouver. 

Check out some Indigenous reads! One Native Life by Richard Wagamese is an eBook that you can access through the CMTN Library here. You will need your network username and password to log-in. This autobiography follows Richard's journey through childhood abuse to adult alcoholism in reclaiming his identity. Whether he's writing about playing baseball, running away with the circus, making bannock, or attending a sacred bundle ceremony, these are stories told in a healing spirit. Through them, Wagamese shows readers how to appreciate life for the journey it is.

Activity Poll

What are you doing to be active at home? The FNACs are brainstorming how we can help you stay active. Please take this 3-4 question survey.

Your weekly meme

Brought to you by Arnell Tailfeathers.

Student Spotlight

Check out Hobiyee 2020 with Smiddy Grandison Jr. Smiddy is a second-year student of the Freda Diesing School of Northcoast Art. Smiddy dances and participates in cultural events year round.

Mental Health Check-in

Don't forget to reach out during these difficult times. The Keep Me Safe program is available 24/7 through multiple formats (call, chat, email and videoconference) for you!

Go to for more info.

Other resources you can reach out to:

Youth Online Chat at or text 250.564.8336 or call 1.888.564.8336. A confidential, anonymous peer support service operated by trained youth answering calls from other youth. Available 24/7.

Northern BC Crisis Line A safe, confidential and non-judgmental crisis line to discuss anything troubling you available 24/7. Call 1.888.562.1214.

BC Suicide Line 1.800.SUICIDE or 1.800.784.2433. If you are considering suicide or are concerned about someone who may, please call! Available 24/7.

COVID-19 updates & FAQs

At Coast Mountain College we continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation very closely and are guided by the Provincial Health Officer as we work with the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. For updates and FAQs please visit our website here.

Visit for more information.

Have something you want to contribute for next month's issue?

Feedback, story ideas or pictures to share? Contact us

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