From the Desk of Jeannine Culbertson, Executive Director
Dear friends,
2017 has gotten off to a whirlwind start! A lull in intakes in March seemed too good to be true, and indeed it was! While the respite allowed us to focus on Boykin Spaniel Nationals in Camden, SC, and our annual volunteer meeting, it was just a little too quiet! Then BOOM! April hit and the Boykins started flowing in again! At this writing, we have taken in 22 dogs, a higher number than at this time last year. We've also managed to process a record number of adoptions for the first quarter, and a lot of BSR alums are now happy in their forever homes! We've only just hit our first heartworm positive intake, but sadly followed up by 2 more. Let's hope we beat our own odds and still end up with fewer of those cases this year! Our PFC roster has fluctuated a bit, with 2 new intakes, but sadly, 5 of our treasured Permanent Foster Care dogs have crossed the rainbow bridge since the start of the year. Please see our tributes to them further down in this newsletter.
Our big national events--the Southeastern Wildlife Expo (SEWE) in Charleston, SC in February, and Boykin Spaniel Nationals in Camden, SC in March—were solid successes for the organization. Not only did we see record sales at these events, but also the increased time meeting and greeting our volunteers and interested members of the public always serves to refocus us on the dogs we serve and the people without whom we couldn't manage. Special shoutouts to Jennifer and Larry Griffin, Sybil and Howard Noll and Lynn, Elvis and Oscar McNair who keep our event operations running smoothly! SEWE is a very different event from Nationals, but it provides a great venue for us to meet and recruit new volunteers and spread the word about what we do as well as the who, where and how of our incredible organization. At Nationals, we get to reconnect with old friends and supporters, as well as share our message with those in the hunt, breeder and dog enthusiast communities. With luck, we even get some time to sneak off to some of the trials and watch in awe as hundreds of these little brown dogs converge to do what the Boykin Spaniel was bred to do! I would also like to publicly thank Will and Jennie Cannady for their generous (and delicious!) contribution to BSR derived from their renowned BBQ talents during Nationals! And last, but never least, a thank you to the Boykin Spaniel Society; they are so gracious to us during Nationals, and their unflagging support allows us to reach so many within the Boykin community.
As we move on through the Spring and into the Summer, I am very much aware of the time our volunteers share with us and often away from their own families, doing transports, fostering or carrying out home visits so that others might get a chance to adopt one of our rescues. Your efforts and sacrifices do not go unnoticed! But we've also taken notice of increased involvement from the children of our volunteers at our national events, and wanted to find a way encourage the next generation of rescuers. Rescue is something the whole family can find a way to be involved in! Our nest BSS quarterly magazine highlights some of these stories, so look for that! In the meantime, we've just launched a Junior Volunteer Program to draw on the amazing talents and energies of our youngest supporters! We've got more information on that later in this newsletter as well as on the “Volunteer” section of our website.
And speaking of our new website…please share your thoughts and ideas with us! We always appreciate hearing what we can improve on and how we can better serve our community! Got an idea for a new program? Want to talk about opportunities to assist in your area? Please let us know! BSR is working hard to be responsive to its volunteer base as well as those interested in adopting, and both sides of the equation balance out why we are here for the dogs!
Jeannine Culbertson, Executive Director
It's been a very busy year for BSR's Dog Care Team!
We have definitely started the year off with a bang! Here is the latest, through April:
- Number of Standard Intakes: 22
- New Dogs Placed Into PFC Program: 2
- Adoptions: 17
- Heartworm Positive: 2
- Intact (requiring spay/neuter): 9
- Crossed Rainbow Bridge: 4 Permanent Foster Care Dogs
The number of intakes this year is much higher than in 2016. The good news is that we have had only one intake that is heartworm positive! Sadly, we have lost four (4) of our beloved PFC dogs (please see our tribute to them below).
What does this mean? We are in desperate need of fosters, both long and short term. It also puts a strain on financial resources. Some of these dogs are requiring significant medical care and rehabilitation.
To view our Adopted Class of 2017, visit:
Southeastern Wildlife Expo (SEWE)
Boykin Spaniel Nationals
BSR Announces The Permanent Foster Care Program Will Now be called "The Julia Horner Foster Care Program"
BSR Alum "Paw" Makes History!
by Eric Grubbs
Boom!! How bout that for a Rescue Boykin I adopted from Boykin Spaniel Rescue, Inc? A dog I have no idea what his lines were and a dog that my vet questioned would ever be able to run due to his front legs, one of which he turned under really bad as a puppy. Many, many people helped and encouraged us along the way, to each of you my sincere thanks. To the few that thought he shouldn't run and the one who said he just doesn't have what it takes and won't make it, you can now eat your crow! He is a darn fine dog by most any standard. On April 29th, Paw received his AKC MHA (Mater Hunter Advanced) Upland title. He is now retired and will be my constant and life long hunting, gun dog as well as my traveling partner. This was the first dog I ever attempted to train and handle, and we both had challenges. We overcame all of them to put his mark in the HRC record book for Boykin Spaniels in 4 short years.
Eric & Paw's Training Corner
by Eric Grubbs
BSR is very proud of the work they do to place each dog in a home that is the best fit for the dog as well as the adopter. The Boykin Spaniel was bred to hunt and have high energy. Calls come in weekly from folks who want to know why their dog is peeing in the house, chewing up the rugs, eating shoes, pooping on the bed, etc. They are very intelligent and also very high energy dogs. They need an outlet for their energy and a daily walk just isn't enough for most Boykin Spaniels. They need work of some sort; it gives them a purpose for life and they crave this. Many times, BSR takes dogs in because their owner just could not provide the time necessary to fulfill the need of their dog.
There are dogs that are more "birdie" than others, some just like to mimic retrieving with a tennis ball, and others (mostly the seniors) who are happy going for walks. Today I would like to share with you some thoughts for those dogs who you would like to get in the field and for the owner who needs resources to learn how to start.
Hunt tests and field trails are a great outlet for them and provide what they crave. Training for them provides a daily dose of what they need also. It can be a little intimidating to get into the training and running of hunt tests and field trials. Where and how do I start?
My recommendation is to get involved with your local Boykin club which you can find on the BSR website here:
The clubs want more members to be involved and, if called, would be happy to share trainers they recommend in your area to assist you with training advice and how to get involved. If you don't have anyone close then you can look at HRC website for clubs ( and call a board/club member for a recommended person to train with in your area.
Its not that expensive to start training and all you need to get started is a slip lead, whistle and some bumpers/dokkens. The bond built by doing this will far exceed your expectations. Both you and your dog will have fun, learn, get out in Gods Great Outdoors. The energy release will be beneficial for your best friend.
Good luck and have fun in the field and water, Eric & Paw
Brown Dogs in the Military Program
BSR's Junior Volunteer Program
BSR knows that our future depends on the next generation. We are now pleased to announce our JVP (Junior Volunteer Program). Open for all kids ages 3-18 years old. No requirements, and lots of opportunities to learn, share experiences-- oh, and did we mention there are volunteer credit hours?
Meet JVP Kids Liaison, Sara Grace Cribb
BSR is very fortunate to have several kids who believe in our mission and want to be involved. None more so than Sara Grace Cribb who pours her heart and soul into all things BSR. She has attended many Nationals events and is always supportive of our efforts.
As our JVP Kids Liaison, Sara Grace will work with the JVP members to make suggestions as to how best the kids can make a difference, and assist with communications. You will see her updates in our newsletters and articles and she will do the JVP update at the annual meeting. Welcome aboard, Sara Grace!
Volunteer Spotlight- Alesha & Rob Ronat
BSR is fortunate to have so many great fosters that step-up on a moment's notice. Then we have those fosters who, in addition to being flexible and available, are willing to take on the most difficult of cases. Alesha Ronat is one of those volunteers.
Most recently, we called upon Alesha to give up part of her weekend to drive hours and pick up a dog recently sprung from a shelter, without much by way of clues to his personality or issues. This dog has turned out to be one of our most difficult cases. With night terrors, PTSD type triggers and out of the blue fear responses, on the one hand and happy go lucky, loving manner at other times, this was a complex case that Alesha and her husband, Rob, have drawn on an infinite well of love and patience to guide this dog back from whatever trauma he had experienced before. For a dog like this, it isn's an hour or two a day. In addition to local support, BSR is fortunate to have a behaviorist and great veterinary support who assist, and it is truly a team effort. But, without that special foster willing to go the extra miles, a dog like this might well have a very different fate.
We thank Alesha and Rob for their tireless energy and passion. They give countless hours; lots of blood, sweat and tears....all to see a little brown go off to a life they deserve!
Golden Leash Award Winners
The Rainbow Bridge
We pay tribute to these beautiful dogs, who are so missed.
To Our Donors
We are so very grateful to all who are so very supportive of BSR. Our new website has a very easy donation portal, which can be accessed here:
If you would prefer to send a check, we have changed our mailing address:
Boykin Spaniel Rescue, Inc.
c/o Julie Winters
1343 Hollywood Avenue
Annapolis, MD 21403-4912