Today I will be sharing my predictions about how my life will be in 2050, and also how Canada will be like in 2050. I will be covering the following topics, First Nations, Immigration, and population and demographics.
Population and Demography
In Canada, the fertility rate is 1.59 kids. This means each mother will have approximately 1.59 kids. In Canada, the death rate is 4.9 per 1000 people. This means out of a thousand people 4.9 of them will die each year. Each year 392,902 kids are born. Between 2015 to 2016, 269,012 people died. Most of Canada’s population is middle aged, around 40 years old.
I think that the population may start to decrease because for every 2 adults only 1.59 kids are born. Also, I think that the death rate will decrease because over the years, life expectancy is increasing. Since the average population is about 40 years old, in about 20 years when the majority of the population retires there will be a sudden supply of jobs. Over the years, the birth rate has been decreasing. In 2050, I think the birth rate will drop to about 1.20.
Currently most immigrants come from Philippines, China and India. The majority of Canada’s population increase comes from immigration. In 2006, 19.8% of Canadians were born in another country. 24% of the population speaks a language other than English or French. The top three places most immigrants settle are Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal.
Canada has an aging population, therefore in 2050, there’ll be a lot of jobs available. When immigrants apply for the ability to move to Canada, the Government will be looking for relatively young workers to fill in the job vacancies. I think most immigrants will continue to settle in Southern Ontario and Southern British Columbia because they are relatively warm and also the most populated places in Canada.
First Nations
48% of First Nations people are under the age of 25. 1 in 5 Aboriginal people live in Ontario. 58% of Aboriginal people live in the four Western provinces which include Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. 40% of First nations people drink heavily. 18% of First Nations people smoke daily.
In 2050, the First Nations population will substantially increase as their birth rate is much higher than the non-Aboriginals. In 2050, I think that substance abuse will go down as we become more aware of the effects of certain types of drugs.
Those are my predictions on my life and Canada in 2050. There will be many more changes but these are some to the main and easy to predict changes. Overall Canada seems to be headed in the right direction and at a sustainable rate.
Backgrounder - Facts in Canada's Immigration History. (2011). Retrieved January 02, 2017, from
Recent Immigrants in Metropolitan Areas: Canada—A Comparative Profile Based on the 2001 Census. (2005). Retrieved January 02, 2017, from
Fertility: Fewer children, older moms. (2016). Retrieved January 02, 2017, from
T. (2015). Retrieved January 02, 2017, from
Life expectancy at birth, by sex, by province. (n.d.). Retrieved January 02, 2017, from
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