And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here I am! Send me." Isaiah 6:8
I have called several countries "home" throughout the course of my life. I have been asked over the years as a missionary where do you call home? America is my home, my biological family is here and it is where I come to reconnect and visit with all who support me as a missionary. Kenya is my home, it is where my husband and his family are from. It is also where I live and serve as a missionary. One side of "home service" is getting to spend time with family and friends. It was very refreshing to have time with my family and some very dear friends and to share about life and ministry. Michael and I are thankful beyond words for their love and support.
Home service is a regular part of missionary life and the other side is that of "service" a continuation of work. It is a time for missionaries to visit supporters to report on their ministries and raise support. Every missionary that serves through the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod uses the network support model (NSM). Each LCMS missionary works to build a personal network of financial supporters. They intentionally engage a group of supporters – individuals and congregations to partner with them in praying, giving, telling, or sending. Staying connected to supporting individuals and congregations is an important part of mission work. Our visits took us to Florida, Missouri, Arizona, Iowa and Wisconsin. Home service comes with its stressors. Living out of a suitcase, staying in different homes and lots of traveling. We have met some amazing people and have been greatly encouraged by many. It was a blessing being able to share the story of what God is doing in Eastern and Southern Africa with our supporters.
partners in mission
Mission Central ( is a place where people are “NOT NORMAL.” Gary Thies, Rev. Brent Smith and over 100 volunteers serve to support missionaries and share the Good News of Jesus with many. Nestled in the corn fields of Iowa, many visitors come to meet and hear about the ministries of the missionaries, to visit the barn which is filled with treasures from around the world and the Creation museum. Michael and I enjoyed our time there and we are thankful to be a part of a group of people who are “NOT NORMAL.” If you are not able to get there, please visit their website.
Jeanelle Sidwell has been a dear friend and supporter for many years. We served on a few short-term mission trips during my early mission days. I asked her why she supports us as missionaries, her response was, "It's simple! If they don't have the financial support they need to spread the Good News of our Savior, they can no longer work as missionaries. They are already sacrificing their lives living in a foreign country, in a different culture, away from their families. It is our responsibility to support our missionaries as much as possible and we can do that by lifting them in prayer and helping them financially, emotionally or responding to their needs."
Carol McElroy, a new friend and supporter, when asked about supporting missionaries said this, "I believe that each person is called in different ways to 'go forth' as Christ directs us. We supporters are your back-up team. You are on the mission front line and we, as supporters, bring supplies of prayer and resources."
We thank the Lord for a fruitful home service and the blessing of family, friends and faithful supporters. It has been wonderful sharing this journey with you.
Or you can send gifts to: Mission Central 40718 Highway E-16 Mapleton, IA 51034 or give online at
Prayers and Praise
- Pray for God's strength and guidance as Michael and I serve in Eastern and Southern Africa.
- Pray for God's wisdom as I continue transitioning into my new ministry. I have much to learn.
- Pray that God will continue to help Michael and I be strong Christian witnesses.
- Pray that God will increase our network of support so we can continue serving Him.
- Praise God for all of the amazing people we met.
- Praise God for all of you and the love, support and encouragement that you give to me and Michael.
Contact Information: P. O. Box 22, Karen, 00502 - Kenya Email:
Want to find out more about what's happening through the LCMS Office of International Mission? Check out the new website for stories and updates from the field.