What is Matter? By:Madison Matthews


Matter is something that occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy. Matter can be pure substance or mixture.

Pure Substance

Pure substances are defined as substances that are made of only one type of atom or only one type of molecule (a group of atoms bonded together). The measure of whether a substance is pure is known as purity. Example of pure substance is aluminum foil. Two types of pure substance is compounds and elements.


An element is a substance consisting of atoms which all have the same number of protons - i.e. the same atomic number. Elements are chemically the simplest substances and hence cannot be broken down using chemical methods. Hydrogen is a example of a element.

Gold is a example of a element.


A Compound is a thing that is composed of two or more separate elements; a mixture. Water is a example of a compound because it has two elements hydrogen and oxygen.

Water is a example of a compound

Watch video to learn more about elements and compounds.


A mixture is made is a material made up of two or more substances that can be separated physically. Two types of mixture is homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.

Homogeneous Mixture

Homogeneous mixture contains two or more substance blended evenly throughout. A solution is an example of a homogeneous mixture.

A example of homogeneous mixture is toothpaste.


A solution is a homogeneous mixture of particles so small that they cannot be seen with a microscope and will never settle to the bottom of their container.

Mixing salt with water is a solution

Heterogeneous Mixture

Heterogeneous mixture is one which different materials can be identified easily.

A example of heterogeneous mixture is cereal. Another example is pebbles.

Vegetable oil plus water mix together makes heterogeneous mixture.


A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture in which solute-like particles settle out of a solvent-like phase some time after their introduction. We apply the word 'suspension' when particles are big enough to eventually settle. If the particles are too small to ever settle, they are said to form a colloid.


A colloid is a type of mixture with particles that are larger than those in solution but not heavy enough to settle to the bottom of their container.

Whipped cream is a example of colloid

More about Heterogeneous and Homogeneous mixtures in the video below.

Still don't understand matter here is a video all about the classification of matter.


Created with images by Pexels - "bricks concrete rock"


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