
Bell peppers Did you know?

Bell peppers were the No. 8 most popular vegetable among The Packer’s Fresh Trends 2017 respondents

While the likelihood of purchase slipped a few percentage points from the 2016 list, they were the No. 5 item that shoppers are buying now that they didn’t buy previously.

Are all peppers created equal? Learn the difference between pepper colors here.

Mini sweet peppers aren’t a breakout on the Fresh Trends list, but the U.S. Department of Agriculture recently started tracking promotions on its weekly Agriculture Marketing Service Retail Report.

In the 52 weeks ending Nov. 10, one pound pouches of mini sweet peppers were on ad in an average of 866 stores per week, with an average advertised price of $2.61 per 1-pound pouch.

Here's a breakdown of price versus stores on ad for 1-pound mini sweet pepper pouches from the USDA's Retail Report, 52 weeks ending 11/20/17.

And, despite an annual appearance on the Environmental Working Group's "Dirty Dozen" Shoppers Guide to Pesticides in Produce...


Only 7% of Fresh Trends shoppers said they only purchase organic bell peppers.

Created By
Pamela Riemenschneider


Photos by Produce Retailer Magazine


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