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Where is your FOCUS?

Stephen Covey introduced us to 7 habits of highly effective people. He looked in detail at the difference between reactive people and proactive people. He concluded; it’s about where they direct their focus.

The diagram below illustrates where we focus our time and energy - the circle of control, influence and concern.

The Circle of Control - As it suggests, is where we focus on everything we have control over; ourselves, self-talk, our behaviours and our actions.

The Circle of Influence - Here we focus on what we can influence; the environment, our physical and mental health and the money we earn.

The Circle of Concern - This is where we focus on all the things, we can’t change, control or influence. This could be as trivial as the weather or focusing and worrying about the past or external factors we have no control over.

Spend a few minutes...

Think about where you focus your time and energy. Which circle do you spend most time in?

Do you focus on what you can control and influence or what you have no control over?

Remind yourself where to focus, whatever your concerns are think about what you can do to influence them. How can you switch your focus?

Remember we are all in control of ourselves, our behaviours and our actions. How do you want to behave and what actions can you take? Tel: 07891 070395

Find out more about Stephen Coveys 7 Habits of Highly Effective People with his book


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