An Aztec Abroad For two weeks in during the summer of 2017, rising Aztec senior Lexy Thorderson, a three-year letterwinner on the Women's Basketball team, visited Prague, Czech Republic, as part of her hospitality and tourism management major.

"Being a hospitality and tourism management major, an international experience is required. Having never been overseas, I was very excited and somewhat nervous for this study abroad experience in Prague. I had looked forward to my study abroad experience since freshmen year. It quickly approached and it was time to embark on this unfamiliar journey! As I departed from LAX, I had a mix of emotions but was excited to see what was in store."

"I chose to study abroad in the Czech Republic and while I was there, I took a marketing class with Lois Olson. I spent two weeks studying at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. We spent the mornings in class and then took a variety of tours. We spent an afternoon exploring the Prague Castle, the Charles Bridge, and old town Prague. I was amazed at all of the old architecture and the beauty surrounding this country; I have a newfound love for cobblestone streets and ancient architecture. One of the days we took a field trip three hours south to another city in the Czech Republic, Czecky Krumlov. While we were there we toured the Budweiser Budvar Brewery, the Krumlov Castle, a glassblowing factory, and a distillery."

Friends for a Lifetime

"Going into this study abroad I knew no one else in my group. But after a few short days together I gained lifelong friends."

"Being immersed in a completely new culture was an incredible experience and I enjoyed being a part of the minority. The Czech language was very hard for me to understand and after two weeks, I only attained a few words but one thing I did learn is that a smile is universal no matter where you are."

It was crazy that you can travel such short distances by train and be in a completely different country. The one weekend we had free time and I took a train ride with some friends to Vienna, Austria. Austria was very different than Prague yet was so beautiful in its own way.

"My study abroad in Prague is definitely at the top of my list for my favorite parts about college. I never imagined how emotionally attached I would become to a country and to the Czech people in such a short amount of time. I am so grateful I was able to have this experience and it is truly something I will never forget. This international experience has sparked a want to explore more of the beauty this world has to offer."


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