Assignment 1
I have used Premiere a little over the years and am excited to REALLY learn how to use it. This first lesson taught me a couple of tools which really sped up my editing.
Pexels presents so much potential for our students. Not only the creative potential, but to also teach them about copyright and fair use. You cannot just go online and take what you find! Artists work hard at their trade and we need to teach others to respect that.
I have created videos in a similar manner using other software, but doing it in Premiere, especially with the razor tool, has made this so much easier. If this learning is an indicator of how far I might go, then I am excited to continue!
As an avid biker, I created a video which reflects my passion for the outdoors. Editing to a beat is going to come in useful in the near future!
Assignment 2
The most difficult part of this for me was finding a medium to use to create the storyboard. We live in a digital world, so I really wanted to use a digital tool. As you can see, I went old school (paper and pencil), then scanned it into a pdf format using Adobe Scan on my phone.
"Where Are My Keys?" is going to present my daily struggle of finding my keys. My dog, Rex, is constantly entertained by my forgetfulness! I know the artwork does not have to be a masterpiece, but my apologies to all of the 5 year olds out there who are much more talented than me!
Assignment 3 - Rough Cut
Even after creating a storyboard, it was hard to stick to it! Also difficult to only do a rough cut and not put finishing touches on it. Working on this has helped me consider some things I want to learn how to do, so I can create a finished product I can be happy with!
I appreciate the amount of practice this course is providing me, so some of the editing work can become more second nature.
Assignment 4
I am pleased with the result, but had frustrations on the way. I am not sure the inclusion of After Effects was the best idea for this level of project. Though I have worked a little in it before this course, it provided a few difficulties. Generally, I felt the tutorial video did not take the time to explain some of the nuances and move too quickly. Not everyone has a stylus or touchscreen to work from, which made the tutorial all the more difficult to follow. Including Illustrator was fine, but his workspace was set up different than the default when opening it for the first time. OK, enough with the negativity.
I learn my best when I have to figure things out. The differences in the video to my set up made me think quite a bit about how to accomplish things. No stylus? Then how can I achieve the same effect with text. I was able to work through it and even match the font color with the bowl in the scene using the eyedropper. This was a lot of work for such a brief moment in the video, but I understand better how is can set the scene. I'm looking forward to putting the final touches on this next week!
Assignment 5
I took my time on this final cut. My plan this entire course was to do an assignment a week, this way I would have a couple of weeks to think about final edits. I spent time cleaning up shots, scaling, editing sound, then finding the right music to set the mood.
I really appreciate the step-by-step process this course has walked us through. It has made me think more about how we can put together a nice product. Since starting this course, I have used the skills I have learned to put together a few other projects. My next challenge will be to find time to practice these skills.
I am hoping to have time in the future to learn more about After Effects. I struggled with its use during this course, but I see its potential. This course has pushed my skills and I look forward to learning even more!
Created with an image by kordi_vahle - "dolomites mountains italy"