Find P-town at the Tip of Cape Cod
Provincetown in the summer is a town like no other. With a large gay population, a traditional Portuguese community with bakeries, fishermen and restaurants, and one of the largest artist colonies in the Northeast. Yet, there is no culture clash to be found. For decades they have blended to make P-town, as it is affectionately called, a place of culture, fun and wonderful food.
Just west of P-town, lies a rustic National Seashore that fills beaches on warm summer days with tourists, locals, kayaks and more than a few sharks. Across the narrow peninsula deer, bunnies, foxes and coyotes create paths through the sandy, wooded dunes
There are however, new threats facing one of America's oldest towns. And if you thought it was coming from climate change or from the bay of newly colonized Great Whites, you would be somewhat right. However, the serious new threat comes instead from the stock broker class that has pushed out the artists by swallowing much of the prized Cape real estate.