
EMBODY CHANGE Call for Participants

Embodied or somatic knowing is experiential knowledge that involves senses, perception, and mind-body action and reaction. Body-based learning embraces three approaches. We can learn about the body through anatomy, physiology, development principles, and movement basics. We learn from the body by engaging awareness and tuning into the local intelligence within the body. Learning with the body can be a more active approach, engaging with the world through sensing, moving and responding. This project is more focused on last two.

Starting to get excited and curious? Than this call is for you! Continue reading

Background of the project:

The main aim of the project is to introduce youth workers and non-formal learning facilitators with learning methodologies based on work with body and movement, while exploring how embodied learning approaches and methods can be used in different realities within youth work and non-formal education.

More specific objectives are:

To provide embodied learning approaches and methods during the mobility to 28 participants from 8 European countries to facilitate group and individual learning, and support learners with fewer opportunities;

To develop competences among 28 youth workers during the mobility to use embodied learning approaches in order to help young people from marginalised groups strengthen their capacity as active citizens in their communities

To create a networking framework that would enhance the organizational and professional development of the 8 partner organizations towards interventions using embodied learning approaches and methods in their work with marginalised youth during the project.

To support 28 participants from 8 European countries in elaborating and testing innovative, efficient learning methods and approaches during the mobility to create high impact activities with marginalised youth.

The project meets also most of the general aims of a mobility project, including aims to:

1. Support the professional development of those who work in training and youth with a view to innovating and improving the quality of training and youth work across Europe;

2. Increase the capacities, attractiveness and international dimension of organisations active in the education, training and youth fields so that they are able to offer activities and programmes that better respond to the needs of individuals, within Europe

Target Group:

Are you a youth worker, trainer, social worker active in one of the partner organizations of this project? Are you interested in embodied learning approaches and methods? Do you want to be more innovative in your work with young people? Are you interested to work at international level and meet people from other countries? Then we are welcoming you to apply for this project!

Selection is done based on the following criteria:

  • participant's motivation and abilities to organize follow-up events or use their learning outcomes in practice right after the training course - preference is given to those applicants who have a specific issue or challenge in their mind which might be addressed with help of embodied learning approaches and methods, or to participants who have concrete plans to develop international cooperation and build their own carrier at an international level.
  • strong interest in the themes of the project and in innovative methodologies to use in their work.
  • previous activities with youth from various disadvantaged groups.
  • motivation to learn and improve.
  • willingness to act as embodied learning approaches multipliers in their organizations/communities.
  • background in youth work or social work and an understanding of non-formal education.

Financial aspects:

This project is f unded by Erasmus + (KA1) of European Commission. According to its financial rules: 100% of the food and accommodation expenses are coverd by the programme and participants will be reimbursed regarding the travel costs according to travel distances upon presentation of travel documents.

Travel cost limits to Băile Tușnad

  • Portugal, Spain – 360 euro
  • Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Greeca, Slovenia - 275 euro
  • Romania – 180 euro

The transport and visa cost will be reimbursed through bank transfer after the trainings, after receiving the documents in original (depending on the documentation provided on the spot and the accounting rules of each country) in the account of the association.

If you are interested in taking part in this training course, please fill in the application form (https://goo.gl/forms/Fq3CuIFUOrHsGAXb2) and return it until 30th April 2018!

For more information, please contact your local organizations or the project coordinator at: anailie3009@gmail.com.

Hosting Organization

A.R.T. Fusion from Romania is a youth organization that offers a realistic perspective over the struggling problems of our Romanian and global society nowadays. A.R.T. Fusion's mission is to create social change by encouraging members of the community to take responsibility. A.R.T. Fusion's activity is focused on two dimensions: social responsibility and global responsibility. The methodology that they use includes the forum theatre method, living library, street campaigning and global education. A.R.T. Fusion is very know at national and international levels for the global education dimension developed in the last 5 years. Its work regards the power of each individual of making decisions concerning the consummation of natural resources. From kindergarten to universities, NGOs, institutes, companies - A.R.T. Fusion team shares the message of how important it is to be globally aware of the consequences of wasting the natural resources and how you can act in favour of humans and nature. (www.artfusion.ro)

Partner Organizations

ProAtlântico – Associação Juvenil (Portugal)

Unique Projects (Lithuania)

Seiklejate Vennaskond (Estonia),

Xeracion Valencia (Spain)



Piepildīto sapņu istaba (Latvia)

Some more information:

Themes and topics

These are some of the themes which will be tackled during the training course (more detailed agenda will be sent later on to the selected participants):

  • Introduction to Embodied Learning and Embodied Facilitation
  • Understanding Needs, Emotions, and Obstacles to further grow through Meditation and Movement
  • Teams Processes and their impact on Teams’ Performances
  • Managing Disagreements Constructively
  • Active Listening and Empathy
  • Clear Expressions of Thoughts and Emotions
  • Your Body is Your Statement
  • Creativity, Creative Problem Solving and Out of the Box Thinking
  • Embodied Learning Approaches and Methods in work with Marginalised Young People


Program will be facilitated by Ilze Jece and Inese Priedite from Latvia and Roxana Turcu from Romania.

Ilze is social change facilitator and holistic body therapist with years of experience in social and environmental activism. In the trainings she integrates yoga, bodywork, acrobatics and various pedagogical tools to create a playful and inspiring learning process. More details about Ilze: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/toy/ilze-jece.858/

Inese focuses on trainings about personal growth, entrepreneurship and innovation and prefers unconventional learning approaches, including work with visual expression, embodied learning and creative writing tools to design trainings that break mind and behavior patterns which might limit our success. More details about Inese: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/toy/inese-priedite.2005/

Roxana is a trainer in youth field, dedicated to co-create learning contexts approaching body, mind and spirit through various creative non-formal education methods. She is passionate about dance and is interested in bringing youth closer to nature. More details about Roxana: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/toy/roxana-turcu.4310/

Thank you and we are hoping you are the one! Good luck!


Created with images by PIRO4D - "light bulb leaf chlorophyll" • andu02 - "bulb dance dancing" • Pexels - "bright bulb depth of field dusk electricity" • TeroVesalainen - "idea innovation imagination" • qimono - "light bulbs wire hanging many bulb light" • Pexels - "bulb dark hearts lights macro bulb hearts" • qimono - "idea empty paper pen light bulb no" • andu02 - "sea nature water" • satschnt - "light bulb nature tree" • fancycrave1 - "creativity idea inspiration innovation pencil paper plan" • RitaE - "light lamps evening"


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