This element is called Bromine. Bromine's symbol is Br, its atomic number is 35, its atomic mass is 90, its # of protons,Neutrons,Electrons is also 35. It's melting point is -7.2 degrees celsius. it's boiling point whould be 58.8 degrees celsius. Bromines normal phase is gas. The cost of Bromine per gram is $5. The classification is a nonmetal. Its Origin name is Bromos meaning is "stench" it was discovered by Antonie-J. Balard.
1. It is a heavy dark brown liquid.
2.It's the only non-metaltallic element that is a liquid.
3.It was used for important purposes long before it was formally discovered.
Bromine does not occur naturally on Earth as an element.
Bromine reacts very strongly with most metals to produce brominde salts.
Bromine has two isotopes.
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