One year ago today (Jan. 2) I caught the tail end of one of the most spectacular sunsets I had ever laid eyes on.
My back had been turned to the sky as I finished up dishes, but I fortunately happened to turn around right as the clouds were turning bright pink.
I made a vow to myself in that moment: to watch either the sunrise or sunset every day. If Mother Nature was going to put on a show of color and light twice a day, I didn't want to miss out on it.
I fell short of my goal, partly due to laziness (waking up for a 5 a.m. sunrise every day is more difficult than it seems) and partly due to the jobs that I held in that time period (it’s hard to justify breaking away from covering an indoor basketball game or stepping away from a production meeting just to go outside and snap a photo of the sky).
But I did manage to document over 100 sunrises and sunsets. I probably witnessed close to 200, but sometimes for no particular reason, would choose not to take a photo.
So in the spirit of the new year, I wanted to put together this photo journal of sorts to reflect back on how beautiful the world was in 2018 despite the challenges and frustrations it occasionally brought.
These are some of my favorites.
The world can seem like such a daunting, dark and dangerous place. But I found that taking a few minutes out of my morning and evening to admire the sky being painted right in front of my eyes made life seem a bit more manageable.
Going into 2019, I’m not going to set a lofty goal and aspire to take a photo every day of the sun like I did last year, because I know that I won't achieve it. But I do hope that my schedule and self-discipline allow me to enjoy more moments like the ones that I witnessed in 2018. You can certainly expect to see plenty more photos of the sky on social media again, that's one thing I can promise. Maybe I'll make my goal to document 150 sunrises and sunsets, who knows.
In closing, I urge everyone to take the time to appreciate not only sunrises and sunsets, but the small miracles and moments that each day brings.
Thank you for reading.
All photos credit Emily Blobaum and Emily Blobaum/Lincoln Journal Star.