The Roma Nation Movement Roma people's movement

Contact us

We declare our right on this be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary. Malcolm X

The Roma Nation Movement

We are group of Roma men and women who wants freedom, equality and justice to be reached to Roma Nation.

Our UK partners are Gypsy Council, Roma London Organisation, Roma Communities Ltd, Devleskero Drom - Roma Community Network, Malcolm X Movement, NeverAgainEver .

2 August Roma Holocaust ceremony London

2 August Roma Holocaust Memorial Day London 2017
National Demo London 2017

Videos from recent actions #RomaNM

Stop Dzhambazki online petition action!

MEP Angel Dzhambazki

Destiny of Roma Nation-Democratic Transition

Proposer Grattan Puxon
#RomaNM propaganda
#RomaNM propaganda
More on Instagram @romanationmovement

Past events 2016 more on our Facebook like page

8 April 2016 10 Downing Street Demo Roma Nation Day

16 May 2016 Bulgarians Embassy in London Romani Resistance #Justice4Mitko demo

Never again ever Kristallnacht anniversary 2015 Soas University Never Again Ever, Michael speaks.

Roma Holocaust video from our production which goes viral worlds worldwide

Michael is giving interview 8 April 2016 10 Downing Street Roma Nation Day

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube #RomaNM @romanationmovement @NationRoma

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