
VOGTS WORLD The hub of all that is Todd Vogts.

Todd Vogts

This is the hub for all that is me . . . all that is Todd Vogts. Below you will find links to all aspects of the world of Todd Vogts. First there will be ways to connect with me on various social media platforms. Then, there will be the various sites I design and run. Within each site, you will find information about who I am. Essentially it breaks down like this: PersonalAuthor, TeacherEntrepreneur (DJ, Publisher, Rental Company), and Web Designer. Some of the sites overlap a bit, but by visiting any of them you will get a good picture of who I am and what I do. So take a look around. I hope you enjoy our time in Vogts World.

Online Presence

Personal Websites

Where I share my views on areas such as Life, Journalism, Movies and more! It is also my primary website for my personal ventures.
This is my wife and I's marriage website (we created it when we first got engaged. She posts to it more than I do, but I do post from time to time. My main job is to keep it up and running by doing any needed maintenance to it.

Author Website

This is the online home for by goal of becoming a full-time author. I currently have one book for sale with others in the works.

Teacher Todd Website

On this website, I have information concerning the classes I teach. It also includes links to my teacher-specific social media as well as daily homework postings during the school year.
Created By
Todd Vogts

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