eLog mapping your journey
What is eLog?
eLog is an app that allows users to track their journey through photo-recognition, geo-tagging and time mapping. eLog seeks to provide an inter-country service allowing users to eLog their journey and produce accurate evidence to an asylum granting institution.
The service increases legitimacy of asylum claims compared to conventional means, which can be subject to falsification, such as passports. Providing this information allows institutions granting asylum to process groups of migrants more efficiently, while dismissing fraudulent asylum requests.
Refugee crisis, the latest

Migration and refugee movements in the Mediterranean countries have gained unprecedented momentum in recent months. An estimated nine million Syrians have fled their homes since the outbreak of the Syrian war in 2011. Over three million have fled to neighbouring countries seeking shelter in refugee camps in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. Meanwhile, over 150,000 have claimed asylum in Europe. 85% of which has been pledged by Germany.
The European Union predicts that three million migrants will arrive in Europe by 2017 showing that the market for processing migrants is rising exponentially. The current market trends present an increasingly sympathetic market to asylum processing services, such as that provided by eLog.

How does eLog work?
The user downloads the application to their smartphone and signs up to the eLog service.

The user is then shown how to use the application. In addition, a comprehensive guide is available showing the asylum criteria for each asylum-granting institution.

The user subsequently eLogs the rest of their journey until they reach their final destination. The encrypted data is subsequently uploaded to the eLog servers once the user is connected to the internet.

Once the user has reached their final destination. The asylum-granting institution can view the user's journey by scanning the QR code on the individual's application.

Asylum-granting institution will have concrete evidence of a migrant's journey allowing them to speed up the asylum-seeking process. eLog helps to differentiate between genuine asylum-seekers and economic migrants.
Why eLog?
The UK government spent £583 million processing 37,000 asylum applicants in 2013. This is an average of £16,000 per request. Germany currently processes 66,666 Syrian refugees per month.

eLog's service would only cost 3% of the current processing cost in the UK. The asylum procedure can be processed more efficiently when the user provides the relevant documents alongside the data gathered from eLog.The eLog service will reduce court time, save money, and make appeals less frequent as eLog eliminates ambiguity.
There is nothing of the sort on the market. Initially low capital and operational costs makes creating prototypes and testing the service cheap, and allows for realist crowd-sourced funding. eLog provides security for users who are going through tough times. This application gives them the power to work towards achieving their end goal of asylum, while undergoing their travels.
What's next?
Refugees endure worsening conditions as the conflict in Syria enters its sixth year.
"Syria is the biggest humanitarian and refugee crisis of our time" - UN HC Refugees Filippo Grandi
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