
Health Project Exploration What health issue Are you curious about?

Shantz-Hilkes, Chloe. Hooked: When Addiction Hits Home. Annick Press, 2013.
Body Bullies
"Health Sleep Duration." Sleep Education. American Academy of Sleep. Accessed Sept 27, 2017. Medicinehttp://www.sleepeducation.org/healthysleep/infographics
"Teens and E-cigarettes." National Institute on Drug Abuse. NIH. Accessed Sept 27 2017. https://www.drugabuse.gov/related-topics/trends-statistics/infographics/teens-e-cigarettes?utm_source=external&utm_medium=api&utm_campaign=infographics-api
Larsen, Elizabeth F. "Good Teens Turned Drug Addicts." Scholastic Choices, Oct, 2014, pp. 4+, SIRS Discoverer, http://discoverer.prod.sirs.com.


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